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Everything posted by Sonny.Barile

  1. No arms.....but she does have breasts. Someone got their priorities in order! LOL Sonny
  2. Somebody doesnt like epoxy....LOL
  3. I am totally turned off of lure building books less than 40 years old and lure building videos. I paid alot of money for Larry Dahlberg's video on casting only to find out iall the clips have been put up on his website for free. I read thru the wooden lure link above and also the plastics. The wood lure book is just old information regurgitated. I like how in his ad for building plastic lures he talks about not using any midrange lures because the bass all know what they are. Yet he gives you lure templates???????? Advice to newbies: Save your money and poke around here. Dont be afraid to try something out that you have thought about or want to experiment with. Dont give up on a design with just one failure. Tweak it. Keep in mind that you are one person. Not a team. You need to build, tweak, rebuild, tweak, and keep on going. You will know when you have exhausted a design. Dont be afraid to buy a cheap lure and cut into it to see how it works. All of this can be done for pennies.
  4. Your addiction has turned you all in to crackle heads? LOL
  5. I use hard baits for Blue fishing so I cant hang on to one long enough for it to yellow.
  6. Sonny.Barile

    Powder coated jigs

    That is jig army.
  7. Sonny.Barile

    easier to see scales

    I am seeing more and more of these hook rigs on high end (expensive) jigs. Shimano does it on the butterfly jig. One thing about the predatory fish attacking the head of the bait.......Blue fish (razor toothed killers) will bite the fish from behind severing the head off. The head will float down and get grabbed by a Striper (toothless).
  8. Mark.....I have this vision of you out in the driveway on Saturday morning waxing your lures....LOL
  9. Are you sure it isnt just turning amber colored from exposure to ultra violet light?
  10. You showed that to us a while back when I was posting about a potential sander purchase. I think I remember you having a huge disk sander also?
  11. I painted some lexan lips with red acrylic and topcoated with poly. It came right off in big peices the first time I got it wet. I took that same lure to the machine shop where I work and grit blasted the lip with glass beads. It came out like a smoked glass. I then recoated with the same stuff and it is on for life. I agree with Mark that roughing the surface up is the key. (Atleast with what I was using)
  12. Thats brilliant (in a DIY kinda way)
  13. I have a question........Which plastisol could I use in my kitchen without my wife murdering me afterwards? Sonny
  14. It has to be pure silicone like the fishtank type. I dont actually do it so Im not sure of all the specifics. Look for the posts I suggested above because that guy worked out all of the details. There is another method for using the other types of silicone sealant on YouTube. I think it requires adding cornstarch and glycerine but I think it stinks (fumes) real bad. I thought about messing with all of this at one time or another but It is just too easy to buy it, mix it up, and pour..........
  15. Sonny.Barile


    I almost want to shoot it.......LOL
  16. I use a bottle type sprayer and when Im done with a color I plug an extra bottle on that is filled only with cold water. Blow it through into an open bowl with some paper towels in it until it runs clear. I then remove the bottle and blow just with air. This takes 20 seconds.........I use FolkArt paints all the time.
  17. search for posts by a member named Husky. He was making molds by using the good mold making silicone as a skin only. The rest of the mold was made of cheaper silicon sealent (caulking type) and water. The water mixed in to it makes it cure in minutes. It is a real money saver and you still get the flexibility of using silicone.
  18. Sonny.Barile

    Final result

    Forgive me if this is a dumb question but what do you mean by smoothing your blades? Do you mean for trimming the flash after molding?
  19. Anyone who had a drafting class (before computers) has one of these. LOL I have one that is 28 years old.
  20. I stopped trying to mix bone because I was never happy with it. Now I use a very subtle mint green. The fish like it.....
  21. I am a fan of Larry Dahlberg. He mentioned in his lure building video that he was working with the Alumilte guys to develop a clear coat. I would assume that if this is a new product that they have succeeded.
  22. Sonny.Barile


    Subtle looking for such a large lure. I fish stripers bigtime and I think that will kill'em.
  23. Sonny.Barile

    IMG 0089

    That is nice looking piece of work..........
  24. Thats easy to fix.....use yellow and bright green patterns.
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