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Everything posted by KYLakeLunker

  1. Be careful will epoxy resin remover or similar items. You blank will have resin in it with the prepress so test first. You can also boil the reel seats and they will often come off. Are you moving it off on the butt end or the tip end? The seat may not fit over the butt end if it is an exposed trigger type.
  2. They are actually used quite often and work great. If you go on facebook groups such as the custom rod builders guild, you’l see they are used a whole lot. I typically only build with the Microwaves or Fuji guides. You’ll also see several factory rods using them now.
  3. In my neck of the woods in western KY, I charge $10/single foot and tip tops, $12/double foot, and guide costs. Other items on quoted per job
  4. Here is the video. If you look at Mud Hole's site, I also do the Mad-swirl seats for them. Feel free to give me a shout anytime. reedrods@gmail.com -jeremy reed https://youtu.be/E2KJXNYYaxU
  5. Here are some grips with my signature Mad-Swirl technique. This is a technique I was the first to apply to rodbuilding and my "how-to" was published in an article I did for RodMaker Magazine. Anyone that wants to learn how to do this, feel free to contact me. There have been a lot of people to help me out as I started rodbuilding, and this is my way as giving back. This can be done to reels, sunglass frames such as oakleys, atv parts, lures, etc. You can see the video at my facebook page of how it works.
  6. Foregrip will do nothing but give you more to hold on to. As Lilpdriverrat said, a spiral wrapped rod would prevent this.
  7. To remove it, I typically just use channel locks and a utility knife. It's not that hard, you just have to be careful not to get into the blank. To clean it up, I just use Magic Eraser. It works. I did a facebook tutorial a while back on stripping and rewrapping a rod, here is a link to it. It has pictures of steps along the way. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.482335278520958.1073741825.130764407011382&type=3
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