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Everything posted by diemai

  1. I don't troll , but this is absolutely ingenious , hats off to Pete:yay: ! Greetz, diemai
  2. @ rofish Just had a good laugh about your statement eating those milk products , that you don't like too much , for gaining lure material:lol: . One has to make sacrifices , lol ! good appetite furtheron...... ! Greetz , diemai
  3. @ rofish I was also wondering about that texture on your foil , funny , and I eat such stuff almost everyday as well ! But I think , only one label , that I am familiar with , has this texture on its lid , the others are plain , but very rigid compared to household foil . But obviously only suitable for smaller lures ! Very good idea ! greetz, Dieter
  4. diemai

    saved lure success

    Very beautiful appearance with its matching feather tail , nice job ! Great , that you finally got it goin' !
  5. @ mark poulson Mark , off course you are right about sealing the lip slot with glue before , didn't think of it(the forest and the trees , lol !) . Almost is achieved automatically , when glueing in the lip , maybe only some more little care neccessary ! I think , that those dividers DO warp , but not under this given condition as a diving bill:yes: . I always tend to stuff up my stowaways with too many lures , especially metal spoons and leadhead jigs . When stored sideward in my tackle pouches over a longer period of time , the weight of these metal lures slightly bends those dividers , and they don't flip back , when reliefed . Maybe they would , also after a long period of time , I can't tell , because I hardly have my stowaways empty . When utilizing such dividers as diving bills , such conditions are not given , nobody would store his homemade crankbaits in a way , that pressure would be applied to them for a longer period of time(not even myself , lol) , so no warping of the bill would occur:yes: . Greetz , Dieter
  6. @ mark poulson Hi , Mark , This certain flexibility of such stowaway dividers has always put me off from trying to utilize this material fo diving lips . Surely it won't break and also won't fall out of its slot , but what has always concerned me was the possibility of water entering the wood at the lip slot because of the flex of that material . But since I haven't ever tried it , I won't know for sure(lol) ! So relying on your experiences to come ! greetz , Dieter
  7. @ KcDano Don't think , that there would be much wear occuring with clearcoat rubbing on clearcoat , only when clearcoat is rubbing on uneven or rough-surfaced metal(provided , that it is chosen rigid and hard enough) . Have some simple sreweye-jointed homemade cranks , designed in a way , so that their sections would constantly hit one another on retrieve to generate noise , no signs of wear to be seen on them , though in use already for several seasons . Greetz , Dieter
  8. @ mark poulson Hi , Mark , we have the same term about "forest and trees" in German language as well:yes: . Sometimes you're hooked up onto something so much , that you won't consider about different , maybe easier solutions , that's normal:huh: . Between 79' and '82 I have gone through an apprenticeship as a toolmaker , after I have worked for 10 years on special grinding machines to furnish single assembly parts(did a lot for the German "Lufthansa" , "Boeing" aircraft engine maintainance devices , for example) , so we always had to think of different solutions to furnish those parts to attain requested accuracy . Now I am precision grinding hobs , which is rather more a series production with repeative working processes , but since our customers request new designs and shapes from time to time , I frequently have to think about solutions as well how to fix those into my machines there for working on them . @ Borderbasser I guess , even if having only small space at the rear section , a very thin wood dowel pin would do , it could only be a thin(approx. 3 mm)barbecue stick of bamboo(to poke pieces of meat and onions on ) , you might even drill the hinge pin bore through it , the glue would still bond it almost halfway into the round hinge dowel . In every case you would attain more "glueing" surface , thus more stability . Greetz , Dieter
  9. @ Piscivourous Pike Thanks for your explanations about why in America anglers cast with their right arm(right handed people) , but then take the rod into the left hand and reel again with the right . I was always wondering , now I know , that it is just kinda tradition , never found it to be practically , anyway . I was only concerned about this fact because since jerkbait fishing came up around here in Europe a couple of years ago , we wanted to obtain the right gear for it , but casting reels where only available in right hand versions these times , even only a few models for saltwater fishing though , since in Europe spinning reels have ever been popular and still are , these can be switched easily left /right . Thanks , diemai
  10. @ WannabeeFishing Over here in Germany you can buy a few models of so-called "traveller's rods" , these consist of four to six sections to put together just like an ordinary two piece rod , so non-telescopic . Their pricing is but a lot higher than comparable telescopics and two piece rods , but they say , that their action is alike to a two section stick and superior to a telescopic , anyway . All of those telescopic and traveller's rods are to be used with spinning reels exclusively . greetz , diemai
  11. @ mark poulson Hi , Mark , a mechanical bond in addition of the glue bond would certainly enhance stability of the hinges , that's for sure:yes: . I think , just drilling one(or even two) holes centered horizontally through the round dowel portions and into the curved face would be the easiest way to do:? . When glueing all together , a (or two) round pin of wood is placed through this hole , potruding a little and thoroughly bonded with glue as well(a snug dry fit is essential) . The small vertical hinge pin bore could lead trough this wood pin as well , shouldn't be a problem , since everything is glued well . The wood pin portion potruding over the round dowels circumference can be easily sanded flush after curing for a neat look and to insure proper function of hinge . I guess , such a wood pin and glue bond is very often used on furniture parts . greetz , Dieter
  12. Here in Germany telescopic rods are very , very popular , at least for bankfishing baits , no lures ! Usually all the rod guides are fixed with hot glue , this is important in case one needs to replace one rod section(most likely the first or second top section)in case of breakage . The guides have to be able to be removed easily , so that the broken section can be slid out by unscrewing the butt screw top and a new part can be placed the same manner . In America you most likely utilize one piece or two piece rods , as far as I am concerned , so you won't need this option . If a tip guide needs replacement , most likely it has broken off with the tip in it , so a new , larger diameter guide has to be installed anyway . I see point in Mattman's statement about hot glue being not too reliable , how many times did I have to re-glue a guide on a fishing trip ! But to attain the maintainance option on my telescopic rods I just ought to use hot glue , if I could use epoxy glue , I'd be happy:yes: ! Greetz , diemai
  13. Bob and Dean , thanks about your valuable hints , still got my first foiled one ahead ! Greetz , Dieter
  14. I think , that the roll of particulary the front section is a result of the very realistic pike shape with its slightly upward curved jaws . Also the rather round or oval cross-section of that pike makes it harder to find "track" in the water . Maybe some more weight might help , concerning this I would suggest exactly the same location as captsully18 . All in all I find this mouth shape and toweye location tricky in terms of stable swimming , I guess , that if the jaws would be less curved upward , thus the toweye located lower , the roll problem would be minor:? . But that's just theory of someone , that can never make as beautiful lures as you do:? ! And who said , that big pike won't especially bite a smaller one , when this one comes dangling along in a very strange manner , obviously they did already:wink: . Greetz , diemai
  15. I agree with 152nd Street Baits:yes: . And Smallie's statement just hit it straight , no more to say:yes: ! Greetz , diemai
  16. @ borderbasser Very interesting pics of your well done swimbaits . By those pics I can even figure out about the working operations neccessary:yes: . Truly quite an uncommon method on homemade baits , but also now I understand , why you requested a dead safe kinda glue and why clamping would have been headache ! I once have to try this method as well(when I would have time , may be when I'm gonna be retired in 20 years ???) , but since I have a hobby routing machine in my workshop , I'd cut those hinges out of the full material , but I am not sure , which way would be easier:? ? Great job and idea ! diemai
  17. Saw it a bit late , but since your local time zone is a couple of hours behind to mine , I'd just like to say "Happy Birthday , Braided Line" ! It even ryhmes ! Congrats , diemai
  18. @ Jeep Very well made video , of course your lure as well , just very lifelike action:yay: ! Greetz , diemai
  19. diemai

    Gallery closed?

    @ rofish Sorry , my mistake , certainly I mean "TU club member" , but I am sure , that people can figure out , what I intended to say ! @ 76gator But chemical free ! Payed about 23
  20. @ Gaboon1 That's accurate:yes: , never mind that little hoax;) ! Though I am not into pouring , I am still sure , that you're gonna find some valuable tips and tuts in here . Welcome again:yay: ! greetz , diemai
  21. @ Dean McClain Thanks , Dean ! Greetz , Dieter
  22. BFE = Be Fore England ! Canary Islands ? Also Ireland ? Too large ! How about Heligoland(other direction , from my location!) ? We're gonna find out somehow , but would be best you tell us , Gaboon 1 , as Hazmail mentioned , location helps cooperation ! greetz , diemai
  23. @ emptycooler For full access of all TU features you have to subscribe TU membership , this is a "partly" paysite now ! Greetz , diemai
  24. diemai

    Gallery closed?

    @ Jeep You can't upload , because you haven't subscribed to be a TU member . If you look closely in the name ,-and avatar section of any posts in the forum , you will see , that some guys are indicated as members there and some are not . Only TU members have completely full access to all features of this site now . I have signed on almost immediately , with our Euro currency presently strong against the Dollar it would cost you less per month than you would pay for a single beer in a bar ! greetz , Dieter
  25. Hi , Gaboon 1 , welcome on TU , also haven't found any clue about BFE ! Which are your lure preferences ? Greetz , diemai
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