By now I've made some test casts with the yet unpainted blank of that second prototype , I really casts pretty far that way , gonna make some more clones of it !
I runs at about 4 feet max. , as I could observe in the clear water !
@ mark poulson
Mark , I have taken a plastic lining of a drinking straw or a felt/ball pen casing into consideration , but I simply did not have any at hand , when having made the first prototype .
That first one does not have round airgun pellets inside but cylindrical curtain weights , these do provide a lot more friction problems than lead balls , but they still function reliably .
One member of a German site had concerns about putting a lining into the weight bores as well , ..... not because of friction but because these cylindrical lead slugs might grind away material bit by bit constantly sliding up'n down their bore on every cast , finally might break throught the lure's wall some day !
Hopefully the lures would last long enough in my box to find out about it (though I can't imagine this to happen)!
Well , the surface of my PVC foam is rather homogene , there may be very few bigger bubbles containing , but generally it is a lot more smooth in surface than the one I had received from the USA , .......thus no bigger friction problems with BALL weights would occur , I guess , ...... at least not for just shifting weights .
But if I would place rattle bores into the PVC , I would certainy put a liner or use rattle casings , as rattles need to be much more subtle and sensitive reacting to movements rather that shifting weights need to .
But thanks a lot for your advice , anyway , Mark , ..........greetz , Dieter