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Everything posted by diemai

  1. @ Capital Fishing Lures Like turtlebait stated , check those lure collectors sites , lots of pictures there of vintage lures , a lot of these were lathe-turned either , ........I've used a lot of these oldies for examples as well ! Here is a link :My link Click on "collectors links" on left column . And here is the thread , that jamie is refering to : http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/17724-my-latest-lure-test-video/page__hl__rush%20tango You may also check my gallery uploads , I wrote a bit of explanation there about working processes ,....... also took some pics of some basically lathe-turned diving baits , that I could find on a short term and enclosed them in this post . There is also a tutorial here on TU about how to make a copy of a vintage "Bomber" lure , check the tut section for it ! If you have any further questions , feel free to post ! good luck , diemai
  2. @ macstackleman Check out My link , go to "collector's links" there . Also the Australian site My link provides some info about a lot of vintage lures(for full access you need to register) , naturally most likely Australian made , but they also have great US , European and Japanese lures section there . good luck , diemai
  3. diemai

    Home Made Eyes

    @ jamie Some days ago I had accidentally got into a Russian angling site , somewhere in their "homemade" section there were two or three pictures about homemade lure eyes . One guy there just put equally sized drops of epoxy on the plated side of a CD blank and also put a (smaller) drop of some kinda black paint into their center to make up for the pupil . On another photo there was the CD blank shown with some of the cured domed eyes been already peeled off , it looked like the CD plating would come off with them and stick to the back of the epoxy eye to make up for a silvery background ? Sorry , that I can't provide more details , as that site was(naturally) in Russian language and the GOOGLE translator could not quite manage and I also did not bother reading over the(sort of) translated explanations deeply , as these most likely don't make much sense ! greetz , diemai
  4. @ Milia B Just like to say "Thank Ya" about this thread , ....you've have inspired me to get out the carpet knife once again ! Carved out these two blanks from rectangular pinewood dowels just with pencil , knife and sandpaper whilst waiting for the paint to dry on some other lures ! Off course eye sockets , lip slots , rattle bore and separation cuts had to be made on my hobby routing machine , the yet unseparated dowel remainder comes in very handy for chucking the workpiece , ........some wood putty took care of little flaws ! You're right to say , that one never knows in advance , what would finally come out of it ,........I've surely enjoyed carving these , certainly won't be my last ! greetz , diemai
  5. This is really a unique design of a jointed lure , very interesting indeed , .......I like it , as I am always fond of a "little-out-of-the-box" lure designs ! Is ist made of wood or PVC ? greetz , diemai
  6. Thanks a lot again , guys , ........actually tonight or somewhen tomorrow after having recovered would be a good occasion for gathering some lure material from the party remainders ! Wishing everyone a happy , healthy and prosperous New Year , .............greetz , Dieter
  7. diemai

    ESOX v2

    Absolutely marvellous ...........awesome baits ! greetz , diemai
  8. @ BobP Just stumbled in here and being an absolute novice to airbrush as well , I am quite impressed by your statement above about the 20% and 80% and the easier/harder thing ! Also I don't want to start another thread , as there are so many already ,........ but I guess , that with your statement you're helping me to make up my mind to go buy that pictured below starter kit on coming Wednesday special sales(just got that supermarket flyer today) . I know , that I'd have to switch to different , waterbased colors than these ones containing in the kit (obviously solvent based , as they mention "thinner" in the describtion) , probably try to get another spray gun later(for fine lines) , ....but I shall see ! Guess , that it could be alright for lures , no very fine details would be possible with that gun though , I suppose ,....... but I am familiar to stencils as well ! The model parts shown in this link http://www.rcpanzer.de/apboard/thread.php?id=17457 are said to be made with that very airbrush kit ,....... and I guess , that the desert camou pattern is having some sufficiently fine lines(the black in particular) , that might be suitable for lures either ? Sorry for hijacking this thread somehow , ........................greetz , diemai
  9. @ hazmail Never meant to get involved into ANY politics , Pete(in this case one's gotta be perfect in terms of squirming , I guess ) , just find that poem quite nice , .................and concerning your "boys toys" statement , I can surely second to that ! greetz , Dieter
  10. diemai

    Adding Weight

    @ Frank I have used them before to tune some homemades . To gain the desired effect on those lures , I had to stack quite a few of these dots onto one another , did not look that good at all ! You might paint them over for a bit of "camouflage" , but you'll always have that pack potruding over the lures belly ! greetz , diemai
  11. diemai

    Adding Weight

    @ Frank These "Suspendots" are of very thin material(never used the "Suspendstrips" , but they're larger , maybe even thicker ??) , thus one single dot won't make up for a big difference on a larger , voluminous lure , I guess ? The homemade ones of roofing lead sheet and double tape maybe more effective , as the lead sheet is thicker and they can be cut to required size and shape . Disadvantage is , that they cannot be easily removed again , as double sided carpet tape sticks like hell . greetz , diemai
  12. @ hazmail In Europe the almighty EU commisions are considering plans on forcing European anglers to keep records about their catches , thus gain control over them , they only haven't yet found a way , how to do it ! After the fishing industry has rendered the North Sea and Baltic Sea almost fishless(at least in a way , that industrial fishing most likely does not pay off anymore) , they want to mess up the small guys for one more time ! @ Milia B This absolutely is the purpose of the EU commissions , they are a pain in the butt of the entire European population ! greetz , diemai
  13. If the author of this poem should be THE Ms. Sarah Palin , I need to hereby declare , that I absolutely do not agree with her opinions and views on politics and religion ! She is not that wellknown over here in Europe , so it did not come to my mind at first ,..... but last night I've watched a cabaret show , where her name was mentioned , so I recalled to have seen an interview with her her during Mr. Obama's election campaign , and I instantly remembered to have read the name in here . Only want to set this straight , ..........my comment above only refers to a simple woman and person , does not involve any political message at all(and especially not the one of that particular lady) ! greetz , diemai
  14. @ Milia B. Nice poem , Milia ,...... so much truth in it ! I can really imagine Ms. Palin sitting at home bored putting these lines down whilst waiting for her loving man gone fishing to come home ! Well , guess that most wiveys won't write kinda romantic poems in that case ,...... they'd rather become pretty nasty at times ! Thanks for sharing , .......greetz , diemai
  15. diemai

    Adding Weight

    @ swarma Not that easy to add weights to those hollow plastic lurebodies , once they're glued together ! And you won't know , whether they would have any internal chambers , that would prevent any internal weights from possibly moving all over the length of the bait , thus rendering or even spoiling the action unpredictably . The easiest way is to add weights from the outside of body , but you've said , that you won't like the looks ? There are so-called "Suspendots" or Suspendstrips" available , made by the "Storm" lure company , these are little stick-on/peel off pieces of lead sheet for lure tuning . You can also make similar at home utilizing roofing lead sheet and double sided carpet tape . You might as well just wind some solder wire around the belly hook shank . Internal weights need to be fixed somehow inside of the lure for previously mentioned reasons , and it is tricky to do . First you need to drill a (belly) hole to insert the weights , I would go for lead shot in this case ! To be able to fix these weights to a certain location inside of the lure , you have to smear some glue , prefarably epoxy , onto the lead shot , insert it and clamb the lure in a way , that the weight would roll to desired location and remain there , until the glue has set . You might also utilize a piece of wire to be able to move the weight inside , if neccessary . You can do this with multiple lead shots , make sure that your glue sets SLOW , super glue would not work , as it may bind the weights to unwanted locations too fast ! After the weights are bonded , you might also try to insert some glue to the hole and let it set around the fixed weights for added strength . You can finally close the belly hole by epoxying a round head brass wood screw into it , with the shank of approbiate diameter and cut-off length , ..........maybe , sucha screw alone would already serve your purpose well , so you won't have to insert weights ? If your lures SHOULD have such internal chambers mentioned above , you could probably skip the inside glue proccess , as the weights can't move much over the lures length in this case ! I have never done this before , but have read these lure tuning instructions it in a German angling magazine and I also have a swapped "Swim Whizz" type of lure , on which this has been done with success . If deciding on the internal glued lead shot affair , do it on only one of your lures at first to see , whether it would work out for you , .......no need to put holes into all of them , ...probably ! good luck , diemai
  16. @ Jio Thanks a lot , Janne ! Actually I had gathered those screw-on tops in various colors , ...black , red , blue , yellow , grey and green ,.... all from different kinds of softdrinks delivered by the local Coca-Cola company(got them from the bottle return boxes at the beverage slot machines at my work) . But I need to look after a new source for wine bottle corks ,........... the workmate , that always used to give me some , is no longer there , .......and I've packed up on drinking for some years now ! ! greetz , Dieter
  17. Thanks a lot for your comments , guys ! @ Zolja Been thinking about a two sectioned as well , .......problem is , that right now I do not have enough bottle corks stocked anymore , and I do not drink wine ! @ sinyo Nice idea about the children ! @ rofish I wanted to build a diving lure ,....... a popper also works , it is displayed in the first "boozebait" link , but with a metal beer bottle top instead ! With this plastic screw-on softdrink top it would surely generate a different , most likely deeper and louder noise , I suppose ! greetz , diemai
  18. I'd just chime in , ...... " MERRY CHRISMAS and a Happy New Year everyone " ! greetz , diemai
  19. Hi , folks , Many of you may doubt , whether this is serious or not , but I just had to try it ! Some months ago I had already mentioned the site My linkin another thread in here ,...... after having looked at it again recently , I finally decided to give this one a shot , ........I have had this idea on my mind for years already , but never put it to practice so far ! Not much to say to it anyway , ........the lure consists of a wine bottle cork and a Cola screw-on bottle top , that makes up for the diving lip , .........guess , that an "ordinary" kinda lip glued into a slot would work either well ! The two cylindrical ballast weights are borrowed from a curtain weight band . The lure is thru-wired , so even bigger fish won't easily have a chance to get away , even though they might shred the entire lure to pieces ! The harness is epoxied into a slot(front portion) and bore(rear portion) , ........tools being used are a "Dremel" with drill bits , cutting disc and router bits , a coarse sanding wheel to cut the angle to the Cola bottle top and a carpet knife for breaking the edges of it , .......off course also pliers and sidecutters for the wire work . Finally the finished lure(cork portion only) was dipped into modelling dope , just for a LITTLE protection ! With a little practice the lure can be done within well about 15 minutes , off course without curing times ! One could tie on sucha lure for fishing snaggy swims or make tricky casts into obstacles , ......won't hurt that much loosing it ! Watch it swim : Here are some more pictures #1 to #5 showing different views of that lure ! greetz , diemai
  20. @ Capital Fishing Lures Check out this older thread , .....as from post #11 . http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/12801-homemade-tools/page__hl__chisel__fromsearch__1 greetz , diemai
  21. A bit belated , I guess , .....but I hope , that you've had a good one ! all the best , .........greetz , diemai
  22. @ Milia B Don't do this anymore , but when I've started out with making wooden lures many years ago , I had carved them from round wood stock , .......wasn't always that easy to achieve an even centered tail , -and nose taper on these spindle shaped blanks just with a carpet knife and sandpaper , but soon I got quite good on it . I remember , that the most difficult one was a "Rush Tango" knock-off , .........later I got fed up with it and got myself a lathe ! greetz ,diemai
  23. Man , what a fish ..........congrats ! Do they get much bigger ? The point about big lures for our pike in Europe is about selective fishing for bigger ones exclusively and also about a seasonal aspect . The statement "big lure , big pike" might seem logical to anyone ,....... though there are exceptions to the rule ,..... average pike 60 to 70 cm absolutely don't have no problems attacking lure of 30 cm length , only that they do not do it THAT often ! Probably more important is the use of bigger lures towards the cold season October thru February(if no closing time locally) ,.........at this time of year small minnows are almost abundant in many waters , as they've already been eaten up during the summer ,......... second reason is , that predatory fish are not likely to waste their rare energy in cold water to chase after small prey , they'd rather go for bigger bites , as this is more effective . Vice versa it won't neccessarely be of advantage to cast extraordinary big lures during the summer , .........I have already lost two big summer pike , that struck on smaller inline spinners rigged onto lighter perch gear . At this time of year even the biggest predators may go for smaller fry only , as they virtually just need to open up their jaws to get their belly full without bigger effort ! Can't tell about any aspects about using bigger lures for barramundi's , .......just try it , I'd say ! greetz , diemai
  24. diemai

    New Site

    @ smallie You're not , ..........have same issues ! greetz , diemai
  25. @ muskietom51 So many opinions here to confuse you more , and me still adding another one ! The width length and angle of the lip is OK so far in my opinion , though I much more prefer round or triangular lips , not this "coffin" type(these are better suited for shallow running lures or wakebaits , pointing somewhat downward , IMO) . But I think , that the lip is placed too high towards the nose of the bait , I'd assemble it more down the chin , also the line tie is located to far towards the tip of the lip , I'd mount it more towards the lure body to achieve a better leverage around the tow eye caused by the oncoming water pressure . I am afraid , that you probably won't be able to save that lure anymore as it is completely thru-wired , ......but try to tape on a temporary tow eye a bit further behind the actual one and test again , at least this way it still serves an example for learning . good luck though , ..........greetz , diemai
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