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Everything posted by diemai

  1. Thanks for all your comments , guys , much appreciated:worship: ! @ Vodkaman Made another one today with a differently cupped first section , just to see how that one would act . If I'd have a change next week to get to a certain swim , I'll try making a short video there , ......there are some long pontoon platforms in there , perfect for taking lures in the water just by walking alongside . @ mark poulson Gee , Mark , I haven't thought about such before , .....it could work ! Need to think of an easy way to connect the parts 90
  2. @ gunnie3035 I agree , that part of the problem is the flat bottom , it counterworks any initial rolling of the body , that might get a sufficient wobble and tail swing going . Have you also tried to mount a longer lip(but not as wide as the thickest body part) , it should cause more leverage around the tow eye and maybe kick your lure to finally wiggle ? good luck:yay: , diemai
  3. @ mainbutter I've caught my PB pike on a homemade crankbait , I sometimes manage to design a lure completely suiting the conditions at certain waters , that I fish , two good reasons for me to build lures ! And in our local heavily pressured waters a proven and maybe also unusual home design is superior to commercials , as many a fish can already read the brand name on them:lol: . greetz , diemai:yay:
  4. Okay , folks , Here are the three pictures displaying the play of the sections against one another ! thanks for looking:yes: , ....greetz , diemai
  5. Hi , folks , You might have seen in the gallery , that I'm into spoon making quite a bit recently , ........and comments by spoopa and Vodkaman got me thinking..........! spoopa had suggested making a jointed spoon , which I assumed to be impossible , .....Vodkaman said , that he thought at first glance , that the lure in my video "Clicking Mouse Spoon" was a swimbait , due to its swimming action ! Took all this into consideration , did some sketching two weeks ago , ......about 10 days ago I have made the production templates and finally yesterday at work I have shaped the first prototype displayed in here , bath tub tested it straightaway last night after work . To my surprise it worked quite well:) , I had expected it to have no action at all but just pull straight upward without any wobble or only a very moderate one . But the deeply cupped front section of 1,5 mm stainless steel sheet(all rear sections 1,0 mm) has an extremely strong body roll from one side to the other , even more than 180
  6. @ mainbutter Good luck with it:yay: .........and don't forget to post a picture in the gallery , once you're completely done ! If your first should not work properly for some reason , and you'd need questions answered , you may also post a pic in the forums , as that would be according to the site rules ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  7. diemai


    Thanks , Bob ........actually during my bath tub tests I was much more satisfied with the action of my homemades rather than this two here , ....they still do work , but the "BigS" wobbles somewhat irregular at times and the minnow overturns , when jerked hard ,...... but can be retrieved very slow and feature a pronounced roll already(maybe , I only do not trust in such action ?) greetz , Dieter:yay:
  8. diemai

    Painted Spoons

    Thanks , Jacob , .......actually this splitring problem is quite a nuisance , one reason , because I make most of my spoons with a plain polished finish with reflective foil applied(but gets boring as well:huh:) . greetz , Dieter:yay:
  9. diemai

    Latest Crankbaits

    Thanks a lot for your encouragement, Bob ,.........and you've got it right , all of my actual batch swam well , and these deep divers really dug down steeply ! The yellow/blue one has a very lively and pronounced wobble , whereas the golden one comes in with a moderate wiggle at a higher frequency , better for cold waters , I'd say ! greetz , Dieter:yay:
  10. diemai

    Still More Crankbaits

    Thanks a lot , Mark , .....just saw , that I had uploaded this picture twice by mistake:o ,....... just uploaded the proper sideview now and deleted the double post . Last night my wife saw me standing in front of the bath tub with a wide grin on my face , .......all of these crankbaits do work well , still float up sufficiently to carry a wire leader(essential over here , as pike are everywhere) . I am pretty much satisfied with this bunch , gonna give them a swim outdoors coming weekend , probably still need to do some tuning on the tow eyes for them to track straight ! thanks again:yes: , Dieter
  11. Just saw , that I had mistakenly uploaded two same topview pics of this two lures , on which I've tried to resemble a perch and a zander(walleye) . Well , I deleted one , and uploaded the sideview , that I intended to do at first , ....sorry , ......but here it is ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  12. @ BobP Thanks for your hints , ....actually I haven't tried these twisted wire eyes before , but I see point in your arguments about them holding up well , also I like the advantage about sliding splitrings over thinner wired eyes , especially when using smaller rings on smaller lures . Should have known years ago , ........by now I still have a stock of a couple of hundreds of different eye screws , all mailordered from the US , as they are available in Europe for only a few years now . Anyway , I have tried homemade wire eyes , but these are a little different to the twisted ones and also more elaborate to do , ........on a nail vertically chucked in a vise I'd first bend an eye to a piece of wire , after wind one of it's shanks around the other one a few times , leaving some space inbetween each winding , so that it would virtually also look like a kinda thread of an eye screw , only a lot thicker . These I twist in snugly into bores in the wooden lurebodies , that I had previously filled with epoxy glue . Made a pull test on these eyes once , ......at 50 lbs. my fishing scales , that I used for pulling , got spoiled due to a sudden release , as the connecting cord snapped , ....but the eyes , though being pulled linear(aligned to their bore) , did not move a bit ! Anyway , I might give these twisted ones a go some day , really sounds easy and I could save the money for eyescrews in future , ..........how do you set them in , ......also twist them in snugly or you make the bore little larger so that you could just push the twisted shank into the hole without any friction ? Off course the hole needs to be thoroughly filled with glue before , as only applying glue to the shank , it would wipe off again when inserting the eye and not hold up well . greetz , diemai:yay:
  13. @ 68KingFisher If I've converted properly , that wire is of about 0,5 mm thickness , which is way too thin for wireforms inside of wooden baits , ......danderson has already mentioned the reasons ! The only SSt wire of smaller diameter , that I can imagine to still work out without bending constantly would be the wire used in dental laboratories to make braces , .........I wore one as a kid , .....and this stuff definately is very rigid . But I guess , it was also a bit thicker than yours ???? But I use special fishing wire of sucha diameter for making single wire leaders for smaller gliders and topwaters ! good luck , diemai:yay:
  14. @ mainbutter I set in my screw eyes with epoxy glue ,..... I'd extend the pilot holes to little less than 1/4" deep to a little more than screw eye shank dia. , ........I'd smear some glue onto the eyes shank , twist it in ,..... so a kinda "glue plug" evolves in that hole extension providing added strength(wipe off overflow) . As far as I'm concerned , basswood is similar to abachewood(often use the latter for crankbaits) in density , and I won't have no worries about these glued eyes holding up even against the average 30" pike . greetz , diemai:yay:
  15. diemai

    2" Ugly Popper

    All of these indentions and grooves would emit a different vortex pattern in the water , that the fish would surely sense with their lateral line , probably that one tad more between strike or ignore ? Probably try that design on diving baits as well , .........well thought of:yes: ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  16. diemai

    Green/Yellow Mini

    This sounds to me like the lip is really too small to "engage" into the water , since many lipless sinking gliders with a very similar body shape and line tie location act like that as well on a steady retrieve ! You don't neccessarely have to pull out the present line tie(I suppose , its made of twisted wire?????) , you can also carefully snip it off and file/grind its remainders back to body outline leve , .....a drop of paint and you're done ! But probably this little dude really is too small to have sufficient space for even glueing in a new twisted wire eye , also weight and balance could be a greater issue ! good luck , diemai:yay:
  17. diemai


    Amongst my actual batch of spoons and cranks I had also finished this two , .......the commercial minnow bait I had accidentally recovered from under a Hamburg bridge last fall , it must have been there for at least one year , brown of mud and covered with small mussels . It is a cheapy ,....... as I hung it to dry back then , water came out of some micro-leaks along the seam of its two parts . I hope , that my foiling with aluminium tape has covered these leaks ,.... if not , the following epoxy coats surely did ! The "BigS" I've got for 50
  18. diemai

    Still More Crankbaits

    More lures from abachewood ,... the longer one is about 3 1/2" in length without lip ! Tried to resemble a perch and a zander(walleye) as good as possible with my modelmaking enamels , ........crudely done compared with some of the airbrushed beauties in here , ........but the fish won't mind , provided that their action would turn out appealing when I'd test them tomorrow :huh:. greetz , diemai:yay:
  19. diemai

    More Crankbaits

    Some more cranks made of abachewood ,..... same describtion like in upload "Latest Crankbaits" counts for these also ! Thanks a lot , Jeep , for having inspired me concerning that "Koi" color;) ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  20. diemai

    More Crankbaits

    Some more cranks made of abachewood ,..... same describtion like in upload "Latest Crankbaits" counts for these also ! Thanks a lot , Jeep , for having inspired me concerning that "Koi" color;) ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  21. diemai

    Latest Crankbaits

    Here are some of my latest crankbaits , made of abachewood , approx. 3" in length . Lures have an internal harness glued into a slot in their bellies , also glued in some lead sheet for ballast , .........hope that I had estimated correctly about the weight , never tested them:huh: . Brushpainted with modelmaking enamels , topcoated with two of each layers of epoxy and modelling dope , .........the latter dries that fast , that I could assemble the hooks only about three hours after the final gloss coat ! Tomorrow I'd test them in my bath tub for the first time ,.... I am in good hope , that they would show up with some attractive action , ........otherwise I could only tinker on their lip size a bit !!!! greetz , diemai:yay:
  22. diemai

    Latest Crankbaits

    Here are some of my latest crankbaits , made of abachewood , approx. 3" in length . Lures have an internal harness glued into a slot in their bellies , also glued in some lead sheet for ballast , .........hope that I had estimated correctly about the weight , never tested them:huh: . Brushpainted with modelmaking enamels , topcoated with two of each layers of epoxy and modelling dope , .........the latter dries that fast , that I could assemble the hooks only about three hours after the final gloss coat ! Tomorrow I'd test them in my bath tub for the first time ,.... I am in good hope , that they would show up with some attractive action , ........otherwise I could only tinker on their lip size a bit !!!! greetz , diemai:yay:
  23. diemai

    Painted Spoons

    Due to short time work caused by the economical crisis at least I have more time to work on lures ! Painted these homemade spoons with modelmaking enamels , topcoated with two layers each of epoxy and modelling dope , ......guess , that I had uploaded these very models before , only decorated with reflective foil ? Anyway , .....I have found that I had to rig the splitrings very , very careful not to scratch the paint off near the holes , ........I'd use little oversized rings , than I would on only polished spoons , open them up as wide as possible and rig them from the reverse side first , .......whilst finally sliding the rings over(90
  24. diemai

    Painted Spoons

    Due to short time work caused by the economical crisis at least I have more time to work on lures ! Painted these homemade spoons with modelmaking enamels , topcoated with two layers each of epoxy and modelling dope , ......guess , that I had uploaded these very models before , only decorated with reflective foil ? Anyway , .....I have found that I had to rig the splitrings very , very careful not to scratch the paint off near the holes , ........I'd use little oversized rings , than I would on only polished spoons , open them up as wide as possible and rig them from the reverse side first , .......whilst finally sliding the rings over(90
  25. diemai

    Painted Spoons

    Due to short time work caused by the economical crisis at least I have more time to work on lures ! Painted these homemade spoons with modelmaking enamels , topcoated with two layers each of epoxy and modelling dope , ......guess , that I had uploaded these very models before , only decorated with reflective foil ? Anyway , .....I have found that I had to rig the splitrings very , very careful not to scratch the paint off near the holes , ........I'd use little oversized rings , than I would on only polished spoons , open them up as wide as possible and rig them from the reverse side first , .......whilst finally sliding the rings over(90
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