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Everything posted by diemai

  1. diemai

    "Rolf's Wiggler" jointed

    @ Vodkaman Thanks , Dave:) , ....do a gallery upload search by name "diemai" , on page 13 you should find the original model "Rolf's Wiggler" , a floater , diving to 2 to 3 feet on a rod sweep . It swims in a "wave" pattern with its belly swinging left/right , at the end of the sweep it would often hang 90
  2. diemai

    Movable Pectoral Fins

    Seen this one in your video , just a great job done about the fins:yes: ,........also like that unusual shape:yes: ! greetz , Dieter:yay:
  3. @ Jio Check Lure Fishing UK , .......on their entry site click on "links"(yellow bait) , after on "links to tacklesuppliers/manufacturers" , there are a lot of international fishing-related (also lurebuilding off course) sources listed there ,..........you'd need to take some time to browse through ! good luck:yay: , Dieter
  4. diemai


    I am not quite sure , but I guess , that such lures are originally intented for offshore fishing on larger saltwater predators . But they are said to attract surface pike as well , .....though after my personal experience these do not respond that well to pure poppers . But with a little tailweight in the belly to cause the lure to float up SLIGHTLY tail down(10
  5. diemai

    three sections bait

    This is the lure that I had taken for my "Sheet Metal Hinges" tut , finally got done with it . I should have used more buoyant wood , since I have underestimated the weight of those hinges , so now the lure hangs about 45
  6. diemai

    three sections bait

    This is the lure that I had taken for my "Sheet Metal Hinges" tut , finally got done with it . I should have used more buoyant wood , since I have underestimated the weight of those hinges , so now the lure hangs about 45
  7. diemai

    sinking wiggler

    Made this little dude(less than 5") after an old lure design by the D.A.M. , though it did not turn out to be an exact knock-off . It has two belly weights in the first section to have it sink nose-down at almost 2 feet per second . I intended from right from the start to fish it close to bottom in fall season , so that is perfect for me to get it down pretty fast to up to 45 feet ! It has a tight wiggle , wheras the first section only wiggles and rolls just a bit , but down the tail the sideward moves get more pronounced , even on slower speed . Guess , that it could have quite an appeal on zander and perch jigged along the bottom ? To paint the color pattern with my rattle cans I have utilized some pierced aliminium sheet , that I had found on the scrabyard of my work ,......normally such sheet is used to cover the ventilation inlets of electric circuit machinery parts . These sheets are only 1 millimetre thick , I had cut stripes reasonably larger than the lure , clamped them in a vise , hung the lure on it and sprayed through . These sheets can be bent for a perfect snug fit against the outer contoures of the lures . Guess , that after some time of use the holes would become smaller getting covered with paint , but some sandblasting or steel-brushing would surely clean them up again . The painting and especially topcoating of this one was quite a PITA , since after each and every painting I had to scrape off the paint from the tiny interconnecting wire eyes not to have them stuck entirely at the end ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  8. diemai

    sinking wiggler

    Made this little dude(less than 5") after an old lure design by the D.A.M. , though it did not turn out to be an exact knock-off . It has two belly weights in the first section to have it sink nose-down at almost 2 feet per second . I intended from right from the start to fish it close to bottom in fall season , so that is perfect for me to get it down pretty fast to up to 45 feet ! It has a tight wiggle , wheras the first section only wiggles and rolls just a bit , but down the tail the sideward moves get more pronounced , even on slower speed . Guess , that it could have quite an appeal on zander and perch jigged along the bottom ? To paint the color pattern with my rattle cans I have utilized some pierced aliminium sheet , that I had found on the scrabyard of my work ,......normally such sheet is used to cover the ventilation inlets of electric circuit machinery parts . These sheets are only 1 millimetre thick , I had cut stripes reasonably larger than the lure , clamped them in a vise , hung the lure on it and sprayed through . These sheets can be bent for a perfect snug fit against the outer contoures of the lures . Guess , that after some time of use the holes would become smaller getting covered with paint , but some sandblasting or steel-brushing would surely clean them up again . The painting and especially topcoating of this one was quite a PITA , since after each and every painting I had to scrape off the paint from the tiny interconnecting wire eyes not to have them stuck entirely at the end ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  9. diemai

    "Rolf's Wiggler" jointed

    Many months ago I had already uploaded the original version of this model , now I got done with a jointed version , sporting the very first of my homemade sheet metal hinges . Due to the hinge providing some more weight , I was unable to balance the lure as a floater , as normally it would have been supposed to ! Anyway , it turned out to sink at about 7" per second , which is not a bad sinkrate for such kinda lure . It can be fished with long sweeps to get into it's typical narrow "wave" pattern , on sharper jerks it would dart forward , but get to stop instantly and hang 90
  10. diemai

    "Rolf's Wiggler" jointed

    Many months ago I had already uploaded the original version of this model , now I got done with a jointed version , sporting the very first of my homemade sheet metal hinges . Due to the hinge providing some more weight , I was unable to balance the lure as a floater , as normally it would have been supposed to ! Anyway , it turned out to sink at about 7" per second , which is not a bad sinkrate for such kinda lure . It can be fished with long sweeps to get into it's typical narrow "wave" pattern , on sharper jerks it would dart forward , but get to stop instantly and hang 90
  11. diemai

    Quite a reject !

    Some time ago I had the idea of a jointed sinking glider jerkbait , that would run vice-versa , meaning being attached to the line at the tail end . I have also tried another hinge system , which really turned out a PITA to finally connect ! All in all it turned out to have the action , that I had planned for , but yet there are some issues about it , that require improvement . I had utilized the sketch of my previously uploaded "curved glider" which turned out to be the first flaw ,.....second I used heavier beechwood , thus the balancing with ballast weights could not be furnished to perfection . The lure now sinks almost 2 feet per second , which is way too fast for my liking . On subtle twitches the hinge engages and the lure curves sharply to either side , but falls back down too fast . I had to put more belly weight than I would have prefered, because at stronger twitches and jerks the lure turns over to spin ,.... it even only works reasonably being attached to the center bore at the metal fin . Tied to any outer holes , it starts to spin instantly . On a steady , slow retrieve it takes some time to kick into a "snake" action , but when increasing retrieve pace , it also turns over ! I had also tried to attach the lure at its nose eyelet and rig the hook at the lowest bore on the tail fin , but when jerked this way it also starts to spin easily , and ,... off course , it falls back tail-down too fast ! Anyway , guess that I won't give up upon this design , since I believe it to have potential ,.... I need to use more buoyant wood , and alter the outer shape to a deeper bellied one to have the ballast lower in the body , so that the lure would hang more stable and not turn over to spin anymore . A slower sink rate could be achieved automatically with these different features . Off course I would switch to a different type of hinge ! Live and learn ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  12. diemai

    Quite a reject !

    Some time ago I had the idea of a jointed sinking glider jerkbait , that would run vice-versa , meaning being attached to the line at the tail end . I have also tried another hinge system , which really turned out a PITA to finally connect ! All in all it turned out to have the action , that I had planned for , but yet there are some issues about it , that require improvement . I had utilized the sketch of my previously uploaded "curved glider" which turned out to be the first flaw ,.....second I used heavier beechwood , thus the balancing with ballast weights could not be furnished to perfection . The lure now sinks almost 2 feet per second , which is way too fast for my liking . On subtle twitches the hinge engages and the lure curves sharply to either side , but falls back down too fast . I had to put more belly weight than I would have prefered, because at stronger twitches and jerks the lure turns over to spin ,.... it even only works reasonably being attached to the center bore at the metal fin . Tied to any outer holes , it starts to spin instantly . On a steady , slow retrieve it takes some time to kick into a "snake" action , but when increasing retrieve pace , it also turns over ! I had also tried to attach the lure at its nose eyelet and rig the hook at the lowest bore on the tail fin , but when jerked this way it also starts to spin easily , and ,... off course , it falls back tail-down too fast ! Anyway , guess that I won't give up upon this design , since I believe it to have potential ,.... I need to use more buoyant wood , and alter the outer shape to a deeper bellied one to have the ballast lower in the body , so that the lure would hang more stable and not turn over to spin anymore . A slower sink rate could be achieved automatically with these different features . Off course I would switch to a different type of hinge ! Live and learn ! greetz , diemai:yay:
  13. diemai

    "Jerkbait Prototypes"

    Thank you , John , ......indeed it acts somewhat better than the other one , nice glide side,-and also downward . greetz , Dieter:yay:
  14. diemai

    new pvc baits

    This "Mr Whiskers" turned out just great:yes: ! Very lifelike appearance:yes: ! welldone:yes: , ...greetz , diemai:yay:
  15. @ redg8r I am just utilizing(won't call it hijacking) this old thread , so I do not have to open a new one:huh: ! Well , it's not quite up-to-date anymore concerning the first posts , ........you're 34 today:yes: ! Just wishing you a Happy Birthday , all of the best and have a nice one:popcorn: ,.......and thanks for all of your help;) ! best birthday regards:yay: , Dieter
  16. @ atrophius Can't tell what would happen really , never tried it ,........probably it might penetrate deeper since the water in the blank might still dilute the propionate ???? I think , that I have read about that method , that I described in my previous post , in terms of making rifle stocks as well . About 20 years ago I had assembled some replic kits of blackpowder percussion pistols and I think , that in the instructions there they wrote about this as well , ........after no more grain would rise up , the pistol stock would be done for the final oil treatment ! Greetz , diemai:yay:
  17. @ Sonny.Barile I have read in a lure making book , that wiping the wood blank with a moistured cloth(water) would rise the grain and you can sand it over ,.........the book stated to repeat a few times , until no grain rises anymore . After prime or first seal off your blank . Make sure not to get the wood too wet ,..... in other words , let dry well between each process . greetz , diemai:yay:
  18. Came across this , I'd say one of the typical Australian lure style , on an Australian site (lureandmore) , so I decided to try make my own versions . I must admit , that these did not work out as the originals , since I failed to utilize sufficiently buoyant wood and underestimated the weight of the aluminium lips ,......in a nutshell ,....these lures do sink at little more than 1 foot/second ! During first bath tub testing of the unpainted blanks I had to find them barely floating , so I was certain , that with several paint and topcoat layers applied , also with the essential wire leader attached , they would surely sink slowly later ! Since I always wanted to try out fishing such violently wobbling lures for bottom fishing , I decided to have them sink faster and worked in a bigger leadshot between lip and belly hook to achieve above mentioned sink rate . They descend with their lip pointing downward , probably at bottom they might also "stand" on it ? They have the most pronounced side-to-side roll and wiggle , but yet do not flip over . They kick to wobble already at lowest retrieve pace , so I am also gonna try out to drift-fish them at bottom in fall season ahead of the wind(very successful method for zander(walleye) over here , but usually requires plastics on leadheads) . That typical line tie , some call it "omega clip", really does track the lures nicely ,... during my pond tests yesterday they came back in straight time after time ! Next time I'm surely gonna use more buoyant wood and maybe a (longer) plastic lip , to make it more like a "real Aussie":yes: . greetz , diemai:yay:
  19. Came across this , I'd say one of the typical Australian lure style , on an Australian site (lureandmore) , so I decided to try make my own versions . I must admit , that these did not work out as the originals , since I failed to utilize sufficiently buoyant wood and underestimated the weight of the aluminium lips ,......in a nutshell ,....these lures do sink at little more than 1 foot/second ! During first bath tub testing of the unpainted blanks I had to find them barely floating , so I was certain , that with several paint and topcoat layers applied , also with the essential wire leader attached , they would surely sink slowly later ! Since I always wanted to try out fishing such violently wobbling lures for bottom fishing , I decided to have them sink faster and worked in a bigger leadshot between lip and belly hook to achieve above mentioned sink rate . They descend with their lip pointing downward , probably at bottom they might also "stand" on it ? They have the most pronounced side-to-side roll and wiggle , but yet do not flip over . They kick to wobble already at lowest retrieve pace , so I am also gonna try out to drift-fish them at bottom in fall season ahead of the wind(very successful method for zander(walleye) over here , but usually requires plastics on leadheads) . That typical line tie , some call it "omega clip", really does track the lures nicely ,... during my pond tests yesterday they came back in straight time after time ! Next time I'm surely gonna use more buoyant wood and maybe a (longer) plastic lip , to make it more like a "real Aussie":yes: . greetz , diemai:yay:
  20. Like the previously uploaded 7" bait , I had this one idling around unfinished in my shop for almost two years:o . Made in the same way like that walleye-patterned bait ,....out of halfround pinewood dowels pinned together with toothpicks and glued with waterproof woodglue . Has one medium lead shot in front of its belly hook to stabilize its running ,.......has a nice wide "snake" action without overturning , swims quite shallow , maybe 4 to 5 feet . Basic orange and white paint are rattle-canned , stripes are done by hand with "Revell" modellmaking enamels . greetz , diemai:yay:
  21. Like the previously uploaded 7" bait , I had this one idling around unfinished in my shop for almost two years:o . Made in the same way like that walleye-patterned bait ,....out of halfround pinewood dowels pinned together with toothpicks and glued with waterproof woodglue . Has one medium lead shot in front of its belly hook to stabilize its running ,.......has a nice wide "snake" action without overturning , swims quite shallow , maybe 4 to 5 feet . Basic orange and white paint are rattle-canned , stripes are done by hand with "Revell" modellmaking enamels . greetz , diemai:yay:
  22. diemai

    Inspired by TU

    Just one more banana-style , but this time inspired by the designs of "Luretrekker" , displayed in the thread "new Banana lure" here at TU . Carved from limewood with an internal wire harness glued into a slot in the belly . Together with the wire form I had glued in some roofing lead sheet into the slot , placed fore and aft the belly hook hanger , but during first bath tub testing(still unpainted) I had found out , that this ballast was not sufficient and so I had to embed two more medium leadshots into bores left and right of the assembled harness ,..... at about the eye level . The lure still floats up , but hangs quite deep , ......for a "banana"-style it has a moderate "X"-ing wiggle with only a little roll of body . Dives to approx. 5 to 7 feet and does not overturn ,...... even if jerked . A lure for days , when pike maybe respond better to a little more "insignificant" offering . greetz, diemai:yay:
  23. diemai

    Inspired by TU

    Just one more banana-style , but this time inspired by the designs of "Luretrekker" , displayed in the thread "new Banana lure" here at TU . Carved from limewood with an internal wire harness glued into a slot in the belly . Together with the wire form I had glued in some roofing lead sheet into the slot , placed fore and aft the belly hook hanger , but during first bath tub testing(still unpainted) I had found out , that this ballast was not sufficient and so I had to embed two more medium leadshots into bores left and right of the assembled harness ,..... at about the eye level . The lure still floats up , but hangs quite deep , ......for a "banana"-style it has a moderate "X"-ing wiggle with only a little roll of body . Dives to approx. 5 to 7 feet and does not overturn ,...... even if jerked . A lure for days , when pike maybe respond better to a little more "insignificant" offering . greetz, diemai:yay:
  24. diemai

    "U.F.O." lure

    @ Vodkaman Thanks , Dave , you put the facts about the diving dissability in better words than I did;) ! I had thought about shortening the lip a bit , but I cut it out again , since the action is still OK this way . The angle of the lip would surely be something to deny , since the body is round , it would always roll to the position of the smallest possible resistance . Think , that it's rather of more importance , where the line tie sits in relation to the lip ?? I guess , that the length and especially the width would have a greater impact on the lures action ?? greetz , diemai:yay:
  25. diemai

    7" minnow crank

    @ JBlaze Thanks a lot , John , but the diving depth is only estimated so far , but 8 feet on a long cast is certainly realistic , trolled a bit more , off course . I do not utilize homemade stainless steel lips , they seem to be way too heavy , also the shaping takes considerably longer than aluminium ones . Most likely for medium and larger lures I take 1,5 millimetres aluminium sheet(gathered heaps of scrap pieces at my work) , these lips seem to hold up against bigger fish well , even if the line tie is placed through the lip only(a friend of a friend once caught a 5 feet 4" silure on one of my baits in Spain , without having the lip/line tie deformed) . Only on smaller lures I'd go down to 1,0 millimetres for weight reasons , but won't trust these with a tow eye attached straight to them . greetz, diemai:yay:
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