@ JustJohn369
Hi , John , welcome at TU !
I purchase my lure components at Welcome to Moore's Lures , but there are also a few other suppliers around , like f. e. "Barlow's" , "Hagens" , "Jann's Netcraft" , "BassProShops", "Cabela's" , etc . , they are all mentioned somewhere in here !
I guess , that mahagony would be too heavy for topwaterlures , ......with all hardware added , such lures would not be buoyant sufficiently anymore:? .
Probably a good choice for sinking glider baits ?
I guess , over there in the US the guys take your local pinewood or basswood , ....here in Europe abachewood is quite popular , it's weight and density is somewhere between pine and balsa , and it holds epoxied screweyes as well .
good luck , diemai:yay: