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Everything posted by MTfishingrods

  1. check the kids toy box out if you have them. I found my best salamander body in my sons old box and once he found out what I wanted to do with it he was all kinds of excited to let me have it. Boys love to destroy and build things.
  2. Cool! This is going to be fun to try. Thanks for the info and doing the research for us Fatman.
  3. The do it mold is exactly that. If you want to pour them instead of buying them look at their site and look up lure body mold.
  4. I wonder if it would spray out of an air brush? An airbrushable liquid powderpaint? Am I asking for too much?
  5. Its to bad that we have to go through this every week. Does anybody ever read the rules on this site? Here is rule #16 TU is NOT an Arbitration Venue If you received bad or slow service from any company or conversely had a bad experience with a customer, TU is NOT the place to air out your bad laundry. If you have an issue with another member stemming from a trade or deal made through the TU classifieds system, then privately contact a mod or admin to investigate the issue. All other issues will NOT be permitted. The first TU moderator that comes along is going to read this thread, it will get deleted and george12182 question will go unanswered. Come on. Lets get it right.
  6. I have one and use it every time I mix any kind of epoxy product. You will get absolutely no bubbles in your epoxy from mixing at all. and you get a good mix every time. I have a pdf file saved on my computer of an article wrote about these from a rod building site I could post or email if anyones interested.
  7. I think you will find that there are many ways of doing everything. You need to find what works best for you. And remember that everyday is a learning experience. A great thing about POP molds is if they dont turn out right its pretty easy to toss them in the trash and start over. Your out what 2.25 in materials. And and hour in time.
  8. Sorry posting from my phone again and my reply was lost.but I was trying to say your ears must have Been burning Jim
  9. If it is the first coat then it possibly will soak in if its a 50/50 mix. If you want to be sure of keeping the detail I would remove it and do lots of thin coats. But thats just the way I do it.
  10. That would explain why I could only find it one place. Thanks guys.
  11. Just wondering where you guys get your Herbies magic dust at? I have only found one supplier and would kind of like to check around a bit to compare prices.
  12. Do it molds makes a lure body mold. I have one, but havnt used it for a couple months so cant think of the model number of the top of my head. It makes several different lengths and weights of bodies.
  13. Well that would make some sense in how he gets some of his patterns. After thinking about it, its all starting to click in this slow brain of mine. Thanks Longhorn.
  14. I thought Jims Phantom Shad was a hollow bodied dipped bait.
  15. I guess we should all think about this the next time we complain of the rising costs.
  16. Why not? Just kidding. A hollow bait will give a different action than a solid bait But I guess that could be compensated for somehow also. So I guess we are back to personal preference. You are right it may get tore up by a pike a bit faster but a pike is going to tear up any plastic bait. Thats the way it goes pike fishing. If its getting toer up it means your catching fish.
  17. Just a note about the heat tape, or pipe heating cable some are refering to. It has a built in thermostat in it and will not turn on untill the temperature is below somewhere around 40 degrees. So if you go this way you will have to cut off the thermostat and rewire some other kind of on off switch into it.
  18. Tell that to the people in this thread. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/rod-reel-building-repair/14773-anyone-paint-their-reels.html
  19. Bob, First off buy a good respirator. And then use it!!! Nexy you need some ventilation. Not a whole lot but some. A kitchen Hood would work just fine. Then a microwave would work for you. Any sort of open flame or burner type method is going to expose you to a whole lot more fumes and then you will need a bunch more ventilation!! One lung with asthma to boot I would use a microwave with respirator and kitchen hood. But thats my opinion. Somone else will have another one. Shane
  20. Ebay can be a crap shoot. Things can have a bid war and others can just sit there with no bids at all. But 9 times out of 10 I find there are no great deals left to be had on ebay anymore unless you are looking for something very odd.
  21. My advice, scrap the remelt idea. Buy a gallon of salt water plastic. Should be exactly what your looking for. Close to $30.00 or so. By the colors you want. 1oz of each. cant be more than $2.00 ea color and your set. You have got to be spending that on remelts to fill that. And by time you play around with the hardener and ruining baits to get it just right. You will be money ahead to go this way. Bears Baits Calhoun Plastic Presto Pouring Pots will get you all you need to get started. Or Del-Mart Molds is another good one. Either of these two will get you started. another good one is Fishing Lure Making Products, Soft Plastics, Lead Molds, Hooks and more! - LureCraft.
  22. Looks great! I would have some blocks handy for blocking up the odd sized molds. other than that.
  23. I can tell you from experience there is a market out there for stuff like that for displays and advertising also. So give that some thought. I will be posting the one I am working on soon. You all will get a kick out of it. All though I have to admit I didnt have to build the mold for my plastic trailer, I was able to purchase mine. So my hats off to you rodgervich Awesome job!!!
  24. Not yet Nova, its kinda on the back burner till I get into the new shop. But I think I may have a new idea on them that I am anxious to try out. I have a few orders to get out once I get unpacked and then I am going to spend a couple days on them. Thats how much I like them. I will figure It out, or something similar at least. And I bet your right about Pit Bull, I believe he was refering to the paint sealing process.
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