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Everything posted by BigBassBo

  1. You got pics of your baits? Ive been interested in dipping some swimbaits. Sounds like you had a good night!
  2. "Mystery Melt" All your scrap plastic leftover from pours. eg. plastic that wasnt quite enough to pour another bait, trimmings, etc etc It usually comes out a dark color, most the times black, with lots of different flake. You get some pretty neat looking baits:yay:
  3. What should the temp of your plastic be? i kinda took it as a lil on the cool side? I prefer scorching(figuratively) hot plastic when i pour dark colored senkos because of the ease of pour. Of course with light colors I have to turn the heat down to insure I dont scorch the plastic.
  4. Sprigs would probably work too. Get one that doesnt have a gap between the coils so when you slip your hook through its held tight. I like that idea alot. I think either way would work just as well
  5. The best way to rig them Ive found is too get a ewg weighted hook, then poke the point through the nose. remove the hook and then stick the eye up through the throat of the bait. finish your texpose style rigging
  6. Ed, I wanna see the end product of this as bad as you do8O
  7. :popcorn:I think nova got it. Looks like a triple pour, or dip, to me:popcorn:
  8. OR http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tpwiremesh.com/en_wiremesh_html/mesh_tubes_clip_image001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tpwiremesh.com/en_wiremesh_html/filters_tubes.html&h=190&w=250&sz=13&hl=en&start=35&um=1&tbnid=DmSRmlUzpfRuOM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dproduce%2Bsmall%2Bmesh%2Btubes%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  9. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.filter-wiremesh.com/wire_mesh_images/big_images/1-02.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wiremesh-py.com/wire-mesh-html/mesh-tubes-cylinders.html&h=860&w=1010&sz=81&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=6tCJN25778njVM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsmall%2Bmesh%2Btubes%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  10. I tried to post last night but the site said the server was busy. I think the easiest way would be to just place the mesh tube in the mold and shut the mold. then pour. If your tube is the right size you shouldnt have that many problems pouring.
  11. I dont think you had a Basstrix. I know that the money minnows are cut like that, I assumed to help with hooksets by providing a slot as on a fluke. If you did have a basstrix brand, sounds like they went downhill.
  12. King Bait Co, I was refering to a tube of mesh. Like a piece of mesh rolled up. That way you could hook it anyway you wanted and still have that hook through the mesh.
  13. 5in kinami green pumpkin senko I hope to match my senko sink rate to the kinamis
  14. BigBassBo

    Charlie Little Less Craw

    Absolutely amazing detail!
  15. BigBassBo

    Swimming craw

    Thats different. Fished with it yet?Cool bait btw:yay:
  16. It looks to me to be more of a tennessee shad sorta color. More tanish or gold than purple. http://www.bio.txstate.edu/~tbonner/txfishes/THREADFIN%20SHAD.jpg
  17. What about inserting like a tube of the mesh into the mold instead of a single piece. That way it goes around the whole bait and you can hook any way you want and still have that support.
  18. Delw has Calhoun, thats the only one I know for sure accepts paypal. I buy my plastic from a more local place. Ive never used lurecraft or anyone else.
  19. No matter how long they took they are nice!
  20. :popcorn:Why isnt this post just made a sticky?
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