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Everything posted by bassmancup

  1. Sorry, Link for the crayfish mold is http://www.basstackle.com/category_s/60.htm it is the 3.25" crawfish. I can't seem to get the pictures to appear.
  2. Here is the name of the Del craw mold. 4.5inch Craw 2 Cavity (Injection Mold) Here is the link. http://www.del-mart.com/shop/home.php?cat=400&sort=title&sort_direction=0&page=2 4.5inch Craw 2 Cavity (Injection Mold) The bass tackle crayfish mold is The Stick molds are Del-Mart 4 1/4 4 cavity injection with egg sack. Sorry, I didn't think of adding pictures
  3. bassmancup

    4'' BT Sticks

    I have three of Del's 4 cavity 4" injection for sale if you are interested. They work fine. I just don't like injecting.
  4. 1 single cavity Injectiong Bass Tackle Crayfish mold - $45 including shipping One Del-mart 4.5" Craw Mold, two cavity $70 including shipping Three 4 1/4" stick 4 cavity Del-mart injection molds $125 for all three including shipping. All molds work fine, include shipping and are all priced well below what you would normally pay. These are just molds I don't use often so they are just sitting collecting dust.
  5. I still have it. Send me shipping info. You can pay to sneakybaits@hotmail.com if you have paypal. Thanks!
  6. The three 5" are sold. Still have the 4"
  7. Three Del 4.25" 4 cavity injection stick mold and three 5.25" 4 cavity injection stick molds. E-mail @ magargcj@hotmail.com for more information.
  8. What do you mean by extruded? Is it something you could spin cast or something like that?
  9. Thanks again Del, Looks like a snow day tomorrow so I'll get working on it!
  10. Thanks Del, I have been been thinking about something like that. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out is the stirer. What about an auger in the bottom??? Anyone ever try it. I can't figure out how else to put a stirer in there that I can change out when I change colors and will still be out of the way when I am dipping with that much plastic.
  11. Has anyone seen or heard of a really large pot with a stirer to dip tubes and other baits in. I have been using two Presto Pots with a stirer and they work great, however, I can only dip 4 or 8 tubes at a time even after I changed how I mount the motor several times. If I could make a bigger pot, stirrer and heat source I could be much more efficient and consistent. Has anyone ever made one. I'd like to dip 20 or 50 or more at a time. My back is killing me from dipping these things for hours. I'd even buy one if it was the right price and actually worked.
  12. Thank you for all your thoughts. I agree that I can hand inject my molds faster than I could inject them with Bear's machine, I was just looking for a way to make more consistent laminate baits and help to reduce some of the fumes. I have quite a few molds, probably enough to keep three guys busy with the injector, but, I am more interested in some new molds I'm hoping to get made. I think they will look really good as laminates so I was wondering about how Bear's machine was performing with salt and additives and if there are any other machines out there, other than zorn, I am definately not ready for that type of production, that anyone else was using. I looked at the lure craft machine, but, it only does one color. Thanks again for all your feedback and keep it coming if you have anymore thoughts.
  13. I was thinking I would have to get rid of all my molds because I know that it was designed for Bear's molds. I have molds from Del, Bear, Bass Tackle and they are all good molds that I use regularly so I don't want to get rid of them. Each Mold maker seems to have his/her specialty that I reallly like. My company is certainly only on the hobby level. I hand inject and hand pour. I just think that my buddy and I would spend much less time in the shop with one of these machines. I was also thinking that I could modify the plates that clamp the mold together so I could still use my other molds. I was just wondering if anyone else had done this or if anyone had actually bought one yet and could give me some first hand feedback. Thanks Guys!
  14. I was wondering if anyone bought Bear's Injection Machine yet and what you thought of it. It really looks good on-line, however, I have a variety of hand injection molds and wanted to get some first hand advice from anyone out there using one before spending that much money and getting rid of all my other molds. Thanks Guys!
  15. I have been making tubes for a few years now and I think i'm getting pretty good at it. I am getting tired of waiting so long for the plastic to heat up and then remelting my left over from last time and I think I just want it all to go faster. I was wondering if anyone has seen or made a large pot to dip tubes in with good temp control and a stirer. Something that holds three to five gallons. Right now I dip four rods at a time. I would like to dip twenty or thirty at a time. Anyone have any ideas that won't cost a thousand dollars?
  16. I recently started dipping tubes and thanks to all of you on this forum it has actually been going pretty well. Has anyone else been having trouble with the end of the tube dripping or having a run while you let it cool. I have been using the four pronged dipper from lure craft and about 9/10 of my tubes have a run coming off the tip that I have been trimming and they look OK, but I would like them to be better. Any suggestions???
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