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Everything posted by pizza

  1. I've yet to find any pearl colors in larger cans. Just the 3 oz sized cans of testors or tamiya which run about 5-6 bucks. I've been using all brands of rattle can paint with success (and Krylon does dry amazingly fast!). House of Kolor also makes high end rattle cans (including kameleon colors)you can find at hobby shops. I've also used the cheap stuff ($1ish for a large can) without problems. Just need to waaaaiiiiittttt a while longer for it to dry. Both acrylic and enamel rattle can paint seems to work fine.
  2. lexan + epoxy + jighead = scrounger head. Good luck, you will need to experiment.
  3. pizza

    Foil source

    I saw candy foil for sale at either Michael's or Hobby Lobby (can't remember) - you may want to give both a call and ask if you didn't already. The packages I saw came with about 50-100 (guestimate) wrappers per package. I'm thinking it was hobby lobby as when you go to the hobby lobby website and want to purchase something, it takes you to another website (that sells hobby lobby items) called craftsetc where they sell them. Crafts, Etc! ® - 5110G Gold Foil Crafts, Etc! ® - 5110S Silver Foil
  4. pizza

    Foil source

    I just did my first foil finishes (extremely pleased with results)and used the 2" HVAC aluminum tape manufactured by "Duck". For texture I used a "coarse" hand file. The file works well for smaller bass sized baits, but would not work well for musky sized baits. As I get better I'll look into other options like the candy wrappers/mylar blankets, etc which do appear to be shinier than HVAC aluminum tape but add another step of gluing.
  5. Hi everyone, TU newbie here, From what I have gathered, the 3 thinnest thicknesses that Lexan sheets are manufactured in are 30 mil, 40 mil, and 60 mil (60 being what most people use for bass cranks...the cranks I've made thus far were made with 60). I'm looking to make some smaller cranks in the 3/16 oz range (maybe even 1/8) and would like to use 40 mil. I've seen the 30 thickness and it does look kinda thin(as in might break), even for smaller cranks. However, I know that Lexan is a tough material, so maybe it will work(especially for shallower cranks/wake baits that shouldn't see much rock/snag action). I haven't seen the 40 thickness and am thinking this might be the ideal thickness for smaller crankbaits. So has anyone used the 40 or 30 mil thick Lexan for bills? What are your experiences? Does the increased flexibility of the thinner Lexan (compared to the 60 mil)negatively affect the performance in a noticable way? I used the search function and couldn't find much on this matter. Other options I have thought of (assuming people think 40 is too thin). Do other manufacturers of polycarbonate sheets offer thickness of 50 mil? Sanding down 60 mil to get it to desired thickness and still get a clear finish? Reasonably doable? Or a total pain in the butt? I know I could always go to G-10/micarta type circuit board (which I do plan to eventually), but I can get Lexan locally, have a little bit of experience with it, and it's clear. Thanks, I recently got into this hobby and the bug has bitten hard!
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