Well I almost piggy backed on the Bondo thread but it really is a different issue.
I have been using basswood and wanted to switch to Balsa for the extra bouyancy for a couple of bait styles. Well Balsa seems SOOOOOO much softer than basswood that after shaping the baits I have been trying using a through wire harness (versus twisted SS wire) by cutting a slot, inserting the SS wire harness, filling with wood filler sanding, and then sealing with Etex before painting.......finish with Etex top coat
Well I am getting some cracking around where the pulls come out. So I was just wondering how other folks may be approaching this. Are you using epoxy on the harness, then filler, then seal ??? What epoxy would you use if you did epoxy the harness first? D2T 5min or something similar?
I'd just like some feedback before switching since the whole process takes a while each time.