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CL Rods

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Everything posted by CL Rods

  1. Amazing I was trying to do Crackle at the same time this thread popped up. I have read the prior threads about using enamel and acrylic and on using the crackle brush or dip on coating. BUT, I am still having no luck in getting a crackled finish! Here is what I am specifically using. White Createx base dried, topped with Createx Dark Brown. Then I have tried BOTH light and heavy coats of Folkart Crackle Medium followed by trying to spray on Createx Satin Gold over the top. It is the Gold I want to crackle. And I have tried this combination with heavy and light coats of crackle brushed on and dried before spraying on the gold. I have tried it spraying the gold on before the brushed on crackle coat dries completely and no luck! I am beginning to think it has something to do with the Gold. But those are the colors I want to use. So any suggestions would be appreaciated. Perhaps it is just the Folkart brand versus some of the other brands mentioned.
  2. Well it is hard to see from the photo in that listing as the flash distorted the true nature of the color. Having fished a lot of Wiggle Warts in the past, and I don't recall this one having a 'pearl' finish to the green, but the photo below makes me think, hmm perhaps. So I'd get metallic/pearl out of the equation for the green and go with a white base / primer (if you know it is pearled for sure add pearl white/light silver pearl over the base coat, I have looked at other sites and still can't tell if the base is pearled) followed by a light green (perhaps a thinned olive green) of some sort and use very light layers to create the overall look and then just finish the center of the back with multiple passes of the same color until you get the darkness you desire. One looks to me like a pearl base and one doesn't but they are supposed to both be V38
  3. Yeah, the internet can be a powerful place and do a lot of harm,but... I can see both points of view on trying to prevent bad experiences and not wanting to create a forum for slander. But thanks Dave, it reminded me I had broken a rule about sharing photo links on other sites. So I went and took the links down.
  4. Pete, was there any bubbly involved when you thought of these? I might have to make one just to see if I can catch a fish on it.
  5. Matt, sweet as always! Come on and show them your latest swim baits! If you think this is nice, the swim baits are well, hmm nicer! :worship:
  6. Now I like this one! I like my sunfish but for most blue gill I use a pic and would like to have an even wider version. Well now I do!
  7. CL Rods

    First top water

    Now I am going to have to try something like this! I think with a little weight on the tail end and a feathered treble it would work. I think I'll leave the prop off one and put about a 1 1/2" prop on one. I like your choice of a finer mesh for the lateral line! Gives the surface appearance some depth.
  8. CL Rods

    Wide body Meen Streeks

    sweet, I like the tropics!
  9. I have not used their flip but I do use several others including their chrome which I really like. It gives off a LOT of flash in the water. In fact I just posted a top water and a jerk bait I did using the chrome. While it isn't going to look like chrome on a bumper it does achieve what I want and that is some flash without using foils.
  10. sweet, but why won't it be available in the future?
  11. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Jerkbait

    Hard to photograph and get the blue without it washing out some and still get the flake showing. It matches up real well with the topwater and they will be seing action this weekend! Basswood with a bent lexan lip.
  12. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Jerkbait

    Hard to photograph and get the blue without it washing out some and still get the flake showing. It matches up real well with the topwater and they will be seing action this weekend! Basswood with a bent lexan lip.
  13. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Jerkbait

    Hard to photograph and get the blue without it washing out some and still get the flake showing. It matches up real well with the topwater and they will be seing action this weekend! Basswood with a bent lexan lip.
  14. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Splash

    Basswood topwater with a lexan face. I can't believe how hard it is to photograph this blue in this Citrus Shad pattern. It is definitely a warmer blue than shown. Middle photo shows how the chrome silver really will flash for you on a sunny day. Hope you like it as much as I do.
  15. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Splash

    Basswood topwater with a lexan face. I can't believe how hard it is to photograph this blue in this Citrus Shad pattern. It is definitely a warmer blue than shown. Middle photo shows how the chrome silver really will flash for you on a sunny day. Hope you like it as much as I do.
  16. CL Rods

    Citrus Shad Splash

    Basswood topwater with a lexan face. I can't believe how hard it is to photograph this blue in this Citrus Shad pattern. It is definitely a warmer blue than shown. Middle photo shows how the chrome silver really will flash for you on a sunny day. Hope you like it as much as I do.
  17. Got a Dollar Store around? Go by a whole pack of various combs for 1$. Here is a couple of example sunfish baits where I used a comb that I kept 2 teeth, broke 1 out, kept 1 tooth broke one out, kept 2 teeth...... So give the comb method a try and experiment with comb size and number of teeth you use.
  18. CL Rods

    Topwater basswood for Bass

    Well I don't think the shell I am using would be much good. I have been using the #8 lead shot for the weighting in my lures.
  19. Net Man, It does look good on many color patterns! I have used it for doing blue gill and it is one of my favorite ways to get the molted look.
  20. Great idea Bob. I don't do it all the time but sometimes these fine points just don't seem to want to write as well. I think I will give your suggestion a try. Are you using opaque or 'tinting' black? I tend to use the tinting black most of the time for the kill spot.
  21. I posted a reply in a photo upload thread on how I did a top water with a Lexan face that generates lots of splash. Here is the link to the photo and reply. Tackleunderground Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Topwater basswood for Bass
  22. CL Rods

    Topwater basswood for Bass

    The face on both versions are done with a Dremmel with two different size drums. The Lexan lip is pretty thin Lexan. To me it looked like a 12ga. shot shell would be about the right size so I just traced the base on the Lexan and cut it out with some heavy duty scissors. Then I took that piece and held it with a pair of heavy pliers (my old electricians pliers) and gave it a gentle squeeze to start the arching of the Lexan. While holding the flex in the lip I stuck the lip into a pot of boiling water and after a few seconds exerted a little extra pressure and the lip will flex further with out kinking. Pulled it out of the water let it cool and you have a bent lip. Drill a center hole and one on each side of center to add to the mechanical bond and epoxied it on with only a very small amount of epoxy coming through the off center holes. On the sunfish version I reduced the size just a little using a Dremmel.
  23. Well I have been having some fun learning how to make my own versus just painting. These are also done in basswood. These top waters started the same and the one without the lip will walk the dog and a very small splash if twitched a bit harder. The other has a fabulous spitting action and can be worked pretty quickly if desired. None of the big chug sound, it is all about the large splash of water or small depending on speed and how hard. It is hard to tell but they have flake that pretty much is like the StrikeKing SS pattern. If only I had a better camera!
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