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CL Rods

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Everything posted by CL Rods

  1. CL Rods

    Gallery closed?

    You must drink expensive beer :tipsy:in Germany!
  2. Yeah the factory colors can be a real pain. I have tried the brown over yellow but didn't think about really thinning some Gold and then shoot the brown over it. I did try to mix them before spraying so I'll give layering a try for the Ghost color and then I'll check out the Apple Barrel for the Mossy green. Thanks guys
  3. OK, I'm as color blind as they come and I am trying to repaint some LuckyCraft baits, specifically some of my favorite color for clear water, Pearl Ayu and Ghost Minnow. Now I have tried using a number of different mixtures and my wife and son just do this at every attempt. I really just can't seem to find any Createx or AutoAir colors that will get it right. So if someone has come up with a real good mix ratio or out of the bottle version of what my wife calls mossy green for the Pearl Ayu and golden brown for the Ghost Minnow and you are willing to share what you use, I'd be most appreciative. And I really don't care what brand(s) I'd have to go get.
  4. Curious what paint and clear you used. Looks nice and the joints are obviously nice and clean.
  5. CL Rods

    spro repaint for fun

    ha, without you it wouldn't have happened! u stil da masta! the force is strong with you
  6. CL Rods

    spro repaint for fun

    just having fun on a repaint
  7. CL Rods

    spro repaint for fun

    just having fun on a repaint
  8. CL Rods

    spro repaint for fun

    just having fun on a repaint
  9. nice, and great photo work!
  10. thought I'd share since a lot of people don't throw this bait and might not know what a Crippled Killer is. The bait pattern is rotated about 80 degrees as it comes through the water, thus the title.
  11. Ok, spray glitter on, buh? This is something I want to hear about! I'd love to understand what you are referring to here. I use some of the chameleon colors, and I will apply some glitter by dipping a brush into the glitter and just hold the brush above the lure and tap on it to get a light dusting into the clear coat and occasionally mix some glitter right into the clear coat if I want to apply it heavily. But SPRAY GLITTER? I'd love to hear about this via PM, email or a posting. AND, I did sand the lure very carefully, started a new tube of D2T and refinished the lure and it is back to looking good! I really wouldn't have cared a whole lot but the color mix of the belly and overall effect must have been good as it certainly was very effective at invoking the fish to eat it!
  12. I bet the lack of a good scuffing is the culprit. I pretty much just grabbed the scotch brite pad and gave it the once over before applying what I thought would be the last coat.
  13. Yep, prayers for all of those affected. Prayers go out to the families and Boy Scouts also impacted when a tornado struck the Little Sioux Boy Scout Camp in Iowa. My son and I have camped in that Scout Camp. I just can't imagine the impact to those families impacted by that tornado on what should have been a great trip.
  14. I painted a killer Bluegill version of a Cripple Killer and after fishing on Saturday and absolutely hammering them on the bait, I decided yesterday that I should put on one more coat to aid in rock to bait collisions! Well this coat started setting up all bumpy and rippled and just darn ugly, and the bait is basically ruined IMHO. The only difference in applying this coat is the bait had a couple of days to cure and that's about it. The previous coat was smooth as glass, and this one brushed on smooth. Any thoughts on what might have happened? I will say it was the end of the tubes of D2T and the ratio may have been about 55%/45%. But it has cured completely and now feels like any other coat, it isn't tacky or anything, it just set up weird .
  15. A great example until they came out with 'tour' models was Manns baits. I have thrown them for years, but the prices went back up, even on the non-tour models. I could get them on sale now and then and you can make them look like you want, even with rattle cans and nail polish, which is what I did for years.
  16. Yeah, what Mark said! The Auto Air Base Sealer is tough to flush also. When I take mine apart after using that stuff or (crap) paint there are 3 little holes I use a fine brush on to make sure they are opened. And occasionally you just have to take the nozzle and tip off and soak it to get the aforementioned type of paint out because it just clogs up.
  17. CL Rods

    Tennessee Shad...

    Dang son, looks good.
  18. CL Rods

    Foil Creek Chub

    :worship: Very nice work, have a beer or favorite beverage, stare at it for another 3 or 4 times, the get back to work! And make some more eye candy!
  19. CL Rods

    8 inch Musky Crank

    SWEEEET! Man I wish I still lived in Omaha so I could have a reason to do stuff like this. I reall miss Lake Okoboji in Iowa! Well on second thought I'll stay where I can fish 12 months a year and just drool over the Musky thoughts.
  20. CL Rods

    Green Craw

    Very cool 'drop' effects on both craw baits. Got me wanting to tinker, to figure out how to do it. I have an idea on how it was done. And would actually look very cool on your blue gill also. I'll try to round up this real blue gill photo and if I find it I'll post it and then hope you do your gill again with the drops.
  21. CL Rods

    Brown Craw

    Brown? Man being color blind is a bear, looks pretty red to me! Nice choice of baits though, I have always liked Wiggle Warts as craw baits in the spring.
  22. CL Rods

    Blue Gill

    I like it, ESPECIALLY how much orange on the belly. Seems to me that I see so many with this much or more when I catch them. Might I ask what type of paints / clear coat you used?
  23. CL Rods

    McD Shad Rap

    Some alternate view of my new favorite color. I was liking a bit of extra yellow tinting but I think now I'll stick with less and more of the pearl white. Let me know what you think.
  24. CL Rods

    McD Shad Rap

    Some alternate view of my new favorite color. I was liking a bit of extra yellow tinting but I think now I'll stick with less and more of the pearl white. Let me know what you think.
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