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CL Rods

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Everything posted by CL Rods

  1. OK, I am real new to this and I realize for some of you this is a real business and may not want to share too much. But I have spent the last couple of WEEKS looking at and SEARCHING for lure blanks, and eyes both 3D and flat and taking my own notes. For the real thing I really like Shad Raps, Bandits and some of the Bagleys and Lucky Craft lures, pointers, American Shad, flats and of course the current Hot bait the RC series. What it seems is no one is even making a close knock off balsa Shad Rap and almost everyone has a deep and shallow plastic version, so let's hear the plus and minius of your favorite supplier. For Bandit knock offs it seems to me that EVERYONE'S bills are too fat compared to the real thing. This may be the photos on the web site so if you have a suggestion, or have purchased one over the other and the bills are'nt too thick chime in PLEASE. Seems like no one has a real good or for that matter close American Shad like Lucky Craft makes or the RC series. And of the medium/deep divers where the bill has a slight downard edge as it goes into the body, those seem a lot like some of the Lucky Craft bodies as far as appearance goes, can this really be? How good are they to they dive as well as Lucky Craft's? And as far as Balsa bodys in bulk for Bagleys, I didn't find what I felt like was a good price, though some were OK for shape and design. So if someone has info they are willing to share on Coffin Bills or Original Balsa Bs or deep version knockoffs, I'd love to hear from you. And as far as eyes go, hmm, seems like Barlows may have the best assortment and choices. I have/HAD been experimenting on making my own eyes and it is too inconsistent on getting bubles and just not worth my time. I know one and all would love to get views from each other, and hopefully those who sell this stuff will pay attention to the comments.
  2. There is a lot of merit to the comments about dealing with someone LOCALLY who really knows Airbrushes, paint etc. But if it is online you are not getting that level of service. With that said, thanks for the notice regarding 40%, because the Hobby Lobby I have dealt with DOES NOT mark them up to put them on sale. I bought an Iwata a while back and it was less than ANYWHERE I could find at the time, online or locally.
  3. mostly because for me this is a 'fun hobby' and not a full or part time business. Sure I may sell a few here and there but not as a revenue stream. So to have custom made eyes sounds like you will order thousands and that would take $ and a long time to use.
  4. If you have popped out and off enough eyes, I'd have to say I like the size of the various Lucky Craft domed eyes. I like the height/depth of the dome versus the brand I have been using. Plus the pupil on the LC domed eyes is larger. They are nice especially for baits like a Bandit repaint, because they don't look like goggle eyes. I guess SPRO is pretty decent also. So does anyone know where one can get domed eyes like Lucky Craft's?
  5. Well what I have noticed in the last several batches where I was using D2T it really helped to be mixing for a small batch on the bottom outside of an aluminum can versus mixing in plastic measuring cups or paper. I wipe out the bottom with acetone to remove the date and information and then add a couple drops of acetone to the epoxy before I stir. The aluminum doesn't seem to be affected by the acetone and it is smoother than the mixing cups I was using and allows me to stir the epoxy without generating the bubbles into the mix. Also right after I have mixed the epoxy I use the dryer on the epoxy itself before I ever start and it helps to remove the bubbles before they are stroked on the bait. I have been much happier with this approach, but it is for small batches. Now if I would just quit knocking them off their holder and onto the floor / rug after I have applied the epoxy, which basically ruins them
  6. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    sorry about the double post I did not realize 2 of the 3 worked
  7. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    Looks so good you know they'll eat it, just like kids and McD's. Obviously got the idea from a shad picture I took a while back.
  8. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    Looks so good you know they'll eat it, just like kids and McD's. Obviously got the idea from a shad picture I took a while back.
  9. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    Looks so good you know they'll eat it, just like kids and McD's. Obviously got the idea from a shad picture I took a while back.
  10. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    Looks so good you know they'll eat it just like kids and McD's. Got the color combination idea from a real shad I took a picture of a while back.
  11. CL Rods

    New McD Shad color

    Looks so good you know they'll eat it just like kids and McD's. Got the color combination idea from a real shad I took a picture of a while back.
  12. Very NICE. Wow, I really like it, it shows nice creativity along with skill
  13. Thanks, and I hope you too aren't red-green deficient. But I agree, I have caught some out of mirky water with lots of weeds and they are as green as can be. Or at least I think they were..... I have just always liked bass pattern lures and I am convinced for those black and or brown belly scales I can create the right template. I have a decent start but inevitably get in a hurry and goof it up and it is back to the drawing board...
  14. Well I saw the photo in the latest issue and knew I had to make a knock off of it. I am working on a template for this picture and man it is hard so I went about it by traditional methods. Have any of you successfully cut out a really good scale tempate and care to share how you did it? Yeah I know chuckle, chuckle on being successfull. If you don't mind sharing I'd love to hear from you. OK, OK, so the picture is more brown looking (per my wife), well like I've said I'm color blind. The dang things are supposed to be greenish!
  15. There you go just showing off again. Hey did you finish painting my baits? Better sign them! LOL.
  16. Now I said BASIC not like one of your custom wake bait monsters or swimbaits. Hell if I waited around for you to gripe about how long it takes to paint the detailed face and those blue or purple or whatever color lines that go on the gills and stuff I'd have to go back to the barber for another hair cut. And it was already sanded sealed and primed up white, forgot to mention that. Hell I was just talking about the BASICS of coloring and patterning the dang thing. But really folks, you need to convince him to make or should I say SELL you one of his new jointed baits whatever the blooming name for this one will be. In fact if your a musky dude I'd have him make you one of his perch versions of the swimmbait and then get one of the new THANGS he has come up with.
  17. CL Rods


    Based on the picture I think the baits look good. I have no idea where Tilapia live but the one photo sure makes them look dark.
  18. Well I popped out 5 versions of a bass today for the first time. One deep Norman isn't quite dry yet as I added green flake into the top coat. I'll post it later. Let me know what you think for a rookie effort. The one with the red eyes was inspired by Lake Hartwell bass. I also added a bit of white pearl molting to break up the pattern a bit.
  19. Well I popped out 5 versions of a bass today for the first time. One deep Norman isn't quite dry yet as I added green flake into the top coat. I'll post it later. Let me know what you think for a rookie effort. The one with the red eyes was inspired by Lake Hartwell bass. I also added a bit of white pearl molting to break up the pattern a bit.
  20. It would be nice to find an X-rap knock off especially if it had the molded fin like the original.
  21. I uploaded my early efforts from painting so far, so please go easy on the comments. Just go check out the gallery. I will have to take over Rookies name because he can paint! In fact I was at his place and he painted a basic bluegill from beginning to end in 10 minutes gills, lines, and all (no top coat) just to harrass me and show me that once I had the colors and templates it can be done. I just shook my head and was amazed. These two shad raps were my first two.
  22. CL Rods

    2nd experiments

    Well I came up with a khaki bandit alternative when tinkering with colors for the crappie colors. Being color blind I knew I would never get that color again so I just used it. It is a diamond green/khaki scale on top and a reverse image netting scale on the bottom. At the last minute I decided to add the flake in the finish and it looks good almost like I started to make this bait! The crappie bandits, I just wish I hadn't tinkered with the scuffing with the dremel tool to create the surface texture in spots. They were old bandits with real chipped up surface any way but I think I'll sand the next ones real smooth. There are two color schemes (may not be able to tell in the photos) and the spots were layered twice so they create some real depth in person. Not bad for first attempts an crappie and done after only 2 weeks of painting. Well at least I think so. You guys will just rip me probably.
  23. CL Rods

    2nd experiments

    Well I came up with a khaki bandit alternative when tinkering with colors for the crappie colors. Being color blind I knew I would never get that color again so I just used it. It is a diamond green/khaki scale on top and a reverse image netting scale on the bottom. At the last minute I decided to add the flake in the finish and it looks good almost like I started to make this bait! The crappie bandits, I just wish I hadn't tinkered with the scuffing with the dremel tool to create the surface texture in spots. They were old bandits with real chipped up surface any way but I think I'll sand the next ones real smooth. There are two color schemes (may not be able to tell in the photos) and the spots were layered twice so they create some real depth in person. Not bad for first attempts an crappie and done after only 2 weeks of painting. Well at least I think so. You guys will just rip me probably.
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