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About scbassman28

  • Birthday 06/27/1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have read something about using crayons for coloring the plastic. Can you use a crayon for coloring when pouring plastic? If so, how much do you use and when do you put it in the plastic?
  2. Feels good to catch a fish on something that you made don't it.
  3. I am interested in the 2 round senko molds. Let me know how to pay you.
  4. One more question on this post. What would cause the glitter to settle to the bottom of the worm instead of being all through the worm? I mixed well before I poured the worm. I just could not figure out what I am doing wrong.
  5. I did pour back and forth over the bait. So that is what probably caused the bubbles. I will try to make another later. Thank You.
  6. I tried to make a mold. It did not turn out good. It has a lot of bubbles in the worm cavity bad. I am going to throw it out. Maybe the next one will come out better. I do not know what I done wrong. I had to use two sided tape to tape the worm in the bottom of the pan. Do you think that caused the problems? I done something wrong. Help!!!!!
  7. How long does it take before you can use the mold after you make it? I am going to make one in a few minutes and I was wondering if I could pour some worms this afternoon.
  8. I made my first pour tonight. Did not turn out good. I have calhoun 1207 plastic. I added some softener to it. I think that I should have left that out. The worms were really soft and sticky even after sitting for 30 minutes. Anyone else have this kind of experience with this. If so what should I do?
  9. I just got my first order of supplies. I got a Quart of Calhoun 1207 plastic. Light Watermellon, Green Pumkin, and june bug colors. Red and Black glitter. 8oz of calhoun softener. 1 quart of ultra fiine salt. Can someone give me some color ideas that I can make with this combination of supplies. I am wanting to make some green pumpkin worms and watermellon red worms. When do you add color to the plastic and when do you add glitter and salt?
  10. Can you make a 2 part resin mold. If so, what do you use between halves to keep from sticking together when making it?
  11. I made a mold about 2 weeks ago and sealed it with poleurithane. I used zoom trick worms for masters. I poured my first worms just a little bit ago. I melted some paca craws and melted them down and poured me some trick worms. I ordered some plastisol and colors and glitter from DEL and it will be here next week. But I wanted to go ahead and do something. The mold I made tonight was with a regular 7" worm. Check out the pics of the worms that I made tonight and let me know. I am going to fish with them tomorrow and try them out.
  12. Thank you, I will do that.
  13. I just made a one piece POP mold and I tried to seal it with a 60-40 elmers glue mixture. I filled the cavities and it has been sitting for about 20 minutes and it still has not soaked into the mold. How long does it take or what did I do wrong?
  14. I am about to make my first resin mold. I will be using a non stick baking dish. What kind of release do I need to put in the dish before pouring the mold if any? I don't think it will stick. I was just wanting to make sure.
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