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About 5ohhh

  • Birthday 10/22/1971

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  1. Sorry to re-hash this but ... I'm running into the bubbles too. I found that after getting my plastic nice and hot in the mic ... I let it sit for about 2 mins and then air settles out but, the glitter also settles in the bottom. Mix it and the bubbles are back. I don't make enough to justify a pot ... I mix about 8oz's per color and pour. Are the bubbles going to make my baits "float" ? Will salt offset this ? So many questions ... sorry. I'm real new to this. Rich
  2. I had some shipped here ... great stuff
  3. This is my biggest issue ... when I add it before pouring either I had too little (still a very strong plastic smell) or add too much (plastic becomes tooooooo soft). On an average of 4oz of plastic ... what would you say is the "right amount" ... 1/4oz, 1/2oz, 1oz, etc.... Just curious ... no need to give out secret recipes.
  4. 5ohhh


    Me too ... can't wait to try it when season opens.
  5. Nevermind ... found it. Thanks for that.
  6. 5ohhh


    Doug is a good dude ... his stuff is amazing.
  7. Thanks ... but I couldn't find the molds for those 2 frogs (pics 3+4 or they're both the same). They look like they're 2 piece molds. I've been looking for the mold for months. Any ideas ?
  8. I don't know who Bob is but, I'd be interested in getting a mold from him. Anyone have a website or contact info ? Rich
  9. Canon's software comes with it ... I don't have it in front of me but its on the white CD. It came with my DSLRs but, never had a use for it. Shooting in a tent ... you should have lights outside of it pointing in. The trick with tents and lights ... get a proper white balance. If you keep your shutter speed high enough, you'll never have to use a tripod. Happy shooting
  10. Thanks to both of you ... will give it a try and post some pics of my results. Thanks Rich
  11. Sorry for bringing this back from the "dead". I'm getting ready to start finishing some spinnerbaits I've poured and was curious and wanted to get a pro's opinion on this. If I were to powdercoat my bait solid white, then airbrush (normal Createx) some custom colors and patterns, give a quick bake to set the color and then powercoat a clear on top of the airbrush ... would the paint make it ? I want to try it but all I have in powderpaints right now are solid colors so no way of knowing what the paint would look like underneath. Would it run under the clear or even flake/peel ? Didn't want to start a whole thread for this ... sorry.
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