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Everything posted by ctenn

  1. thanks Mark, it worked like a charm. Now if someone can teach me how to apply very light coats (just a dusting) of paint on a lure, i'd be a happy camper. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for the replies gentlemen. Carl
  3. Again don't get discouraged. This is a skill that takes a lot of practice to become good at. One nice thing about water based acrylic paints is that they are easy to wash off and repaint. I've done it often. The plugs don't have to be painted perfectly for the fish to eat them. Have fun with your new hobby. Carl
  4. Question for you airbrush experts. I have an Iwata Eclipse HP-CS air brush. The problem is that the trigger does not immediately respond when I release it. Instead it slowly comes up while the air continues to flow until it finally stops. I'm thinking a tired spring or paint in that part of the brush. My question is, even though they imply not to get airbrush restorer solution into that area, would it hurt to put a little restorer into that area and let it soak a few minutes before rinsing it out. The airbrush is only three years old but it hasn't been used that much so I wouldn't think the spring isn't shot yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Carl
  5. Would it be possible to just make a sticky of just the url's that were listed on the original to be listed without comments? Make it so new supply url's could be added when they appear but comments would have to be added else where. Carl
  6. Long time reader and used of this excellent forum. Haven't been on forum for couple of weeks and noticed that the sticky pertaining to people who sell unpainted blanks has been replace by a post that is basically an advertisement for a seller selling a single bait. Am I missing something or can you tell me where the original went? I need that one to get in touch with some of the sellers on that one.
  7. I have been painting blanks with an airbrush for only a couple of years so I am far from an expert. I have painted fewer than a hundred blanks. I can't tell you how many blanks I have taken to the kitchen sink with dish soap and a tooth brush, cleaned the paint off as best as I could, dried it off and started over. It's part of the learning prosess. It's also one of the benefits of using water based acrylic paints. Keep practicing.
  8. ctenn

    New Guy

    There are numerous you tube examples of how people air brush blank baits. It is well worth watching these. Its how I got started. Remember, it takes lots of practice. Its harder than you might think. Carl
  9. According to web sight; Hard set up time 8 hr: complete set up time 72 hr.
  10. According to an answer to a FAQ on the Art Resin web sight, the resin is water proof on fishing lures. I have not tried it so does it need rotating?
  11. I use a small diameter bottle stuffed tight with 0000 steel wool. I run the needle back and forth a few times or insert the needle and rotate it a number of times. Seems to work without any damage that I can see. Carl
  12. Thanks very much Mark. I'll have to give it a try.
  13. Looks like a fabulous bait for my northern Wisconsin muskies. What is the uncut length and then the jointed length? What is the diameter? How is the hinge made? Thanks. Carl
  14. Sounds like a good idea.
  15. ctenn


    Hang in there Nathan. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Carl
  16. Thanks for all the replys. Has anyone had any experience with this one? http://www.tcpglobal.com/ABD-TC-20T.html Carl
  17. Recently started learning the art of airbrushing crankbaits. I have an Iwata Eclipse ab and a Menards 3 gallon compressor. Problem is , the compressor is so noisy it keeps the dead awake. Can I, get some recommendations from you all about what you use as a resonably priced, quiet airbursh compressors? Thanks in advance. Carl
  18. "I put a 1 gram lead ball in both of them as a one knocker." Mark, I'm new to this; how did you hollow out the bait to put the "one knocker" insibe the bait? Carl
  19. Amazon has an Iwata Eclipse HP-CS for 93.00 with free shipping. This is only 3.oo more than fro Japan.
  20. Hi All, I've been reading and learning about lure making/painting from this excellent forum for a couple of years now. I've trunrd and painted a number of Musky size surface baits. They've caught fish too: up to 49.5 inches. I've tried the single action and the cheap duel action air brushes. This winter I plan to try to learn to paint bass size crankbaits. I would like to get an Iwata Eclipse HP-CS Gravity Feed Airbrush Model ECL4500. I have noticed on Ebay that you can buy this brush directly from Japan. The sellers seem to be pretty highly rated. Has anyone had any experience with these airbrushes anh buying from these companies? Thanks in advance for any replies good or bad. Carl
  21. I may be wrong, but I believe that the reaction that cures epoxy is exothermic which means that the reaction gives off heat. If the reaction has to give off heat to cure, then adding more heat will only make it cure more slowly.
  22. I have had luck spraying Dick Nite by reducing by 25 to 30 percent. I believe that comes with the DN instructions. I've usually sprayed on 3 to 4 coats on the Musty plugs I've made but it seems to be pretty tough with reguard to hook rash/teeth marks.
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