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Everything posted by pigdestroyer

  1. What attachment should I use to shave/cut aluminum? I have an aluminum mold and I want to try something with 1 of the cavities. Is there a specific tool that is best for this?
  2. It looks like a radio is a key part of every workstation.
  3. Is this the one people are using? Walmart.com: Presto Kitchen Kettle Multi-Cooker: Appliances
  4. mbroggi1 Your setup is excellent. Great link, images and videos. I really enjoyed going through them and learning a few things.
  5. I am definately interested in trying to build one. I know some guys sell them complete on here, but I think the shipping will be really high. I will let you know if (when) I have questions. Thanks for the info.
  6. Bear Nice workstation. That is about the size I am looking for. That may be a future purchase for me. I saw something similar on Sears.com for $150, but I don't believe it had the light or power strip. I see that you use a modified Lee pot for pouring. Is it much better than using pyrex? I assume that it would be. Is it easy to pour 1-sided molds with the pot?
  7. I haven't been pouring very much lately due to the lack of a garage. My friend and I are about create a workstation in his garage to pour. I figured I should ask advice from the TU pros on a basic workstation and tools. Just something to smooth out the process and help produce quality baits. Right now all I am just working with 2 Pyrex and a microwave. I am still having noob problems like bubbles and stuff. Is there anything else that is a must have? Burners, injector, lee pot, etc. I am just looking for advice to make the process easier and smoother. It seems like I am doing a lot of rushing, heating with my setup now. I want to be able to pour quality baits so I can sell them at my local ponds and lakes. Thanks in advance for the replies and pics. -Jeremy
  8. I bought Dels stick kit. Perfect for what you need. Very easy to pour. Del also has a stick formula that is a great starting point. Stik Kits Stik Formula
  9. Good. Just making sure I didn't come off that way. I will be trying to match that green today. I don't have black melon, so I will try with black.
  10. Great tips Del. I hope you know that I wasn't trying to badmouth your colors in any way. I did not know that colors need to be shaken that much before using. I love the green that you got for your pointy tail stick samples. You mind sharing that recipe?
  11. It looks like there are a few different makers of colors. What does everyone use? I see a lot mention MF, LC and Del. Are some better than others? I am new and have all Del colors right now. I don't seem to get the color results that I am looking for from the cookbooks. I am assuming the people writing the recipes are using a different brand of color than I have. PS. Is there anyone that makes a really good Watermelon? All I can find is light-watermelon.
  12. I can't PM. mbroggi1 hit me up if you read this.
  13. Just wondering what you would sell something like this for. With the motor and mixer.
  14. This is really nice. The action is great. Have you tried to make one that sinks? That action on a slow sinker would be pretty awesome.
  15. You can see what people consider a wacky jighead here: JACKALL LURES Short-shank, wide-gap hook with a very light weight. The weight is more for action than sinking.
  16. Where can I find the video for dipping tubes? I might be interested also. rottingstiffs@hotmail.com
  17. Are these injectors bought or made?
  18. Is there a reason that everyone used poly bags instead of sandwich bags? It seems like the poly bags are much more expensive. As of now I am just making baits for personal use and the sw bags seem to work fine.
  19. I am looking for 1/16 and 1/32 jigheads for wacky rigging. I am getting some samples from one of the guys on here. I think I might be set. I will let you now if I still need anything in the future. Thanks for the reply.
  20. Thanks. I haven't purchased the membership yet. Soon though. I am getting a lot out of this site. rottingstiffs@hotmail.com <-- my email
  21. I really just want to see how they compare to the Jackall brand for wacky jiggin. I like the Jackall but they are way overpriced. If someone has the mold and is willing to sell like 10 for now that would be awesome. If it works for what I am doing I would purchase more.
  22. Are you willing to send/sell a few in the different sizes? I just want to get an idea of what I prefer before making any major purchases. PM me if you are interested.
  23. I wish I had my colors. I want to try this now.
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