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Everything posted by carver

  1. Thanks for all the great replies. I appreciate it.
  2. I made a few lures that are intended for display only. Was wondering if anyone would share their ideas or experiences on different display cases they have used or neat ways of displaying finished lures. Thanks.
  3. You can find them in cabelas flytying catalogue. Other than that, any local flyshop that carries flytying materials will have them.
  4. carver

    D2T Bubbles

    I was inside at room temperature when doing this. As mentioned, I think I made several mistakes most likely all spawned from rushing instead of taking my time. Anyway, I am going to try and lightly sand away the bubbles and then reapply a light coat of epoxy......taking my time of course:) With any luck, it will work. Thanks for the insight. I appreciate it.
  5. carver

    D2T Bubbles

    Still learning. I created a lure with a paint job that I was very happy with. I applied D2T as my topcoat and made a couple rookie mistakes.....applied too much too fast and didn't use a brush. Resulted in small bubbles. D2T hardened. Is there anyway to fix this or is this a lost cause? I'd really love to save this lure. Any help would be greatly apreciated. P.S. I have read some of the archives on how to prevent this in the future, I just want to see if it's possible to fix what's been done. Thank you.
  6. carver

    Sanding Lexan

    Thanks for the quick responses. I will try both methods.
  7. I bought a small sheet of lexan from home depot to use for bills. It was about 1/8" thick. I sanded down the thickness of the bill on that portion that was not epoxied into the bill slot. It worked well, but sanding "clouded" up the top half of the bill. Is there any way to get the clarity of the lexan back?....heat....or some type of compund I can rub in?
  8. carver

    Diving depth

    Uh oh....guess I should have waited a bit longer before setting the hardware. I have the line tie in the nose of the bait. Ooops. Well. I'll finish painting this one and then start another. Thanks, Bob. I will try your suggestion on the next iteration.
  9. My name is Greg. I'm 37 and from Pennsylvania. Saw a guy in Virginia Beach hand carving duck decoys and was immediately sucked into carving as a hobby. Started a year or so ago trying hand carve fish and lures. Hoping at some point in time to make just enough cash to cover the cost of tools. Other than that it's just a hobby I hope to make last. Thanks to all of you who provide such good information to help us new guys get started.
  10. carver

    Diving depth

    Thanks, everyone. I went with a longer bill as suggested. Got it epoxied in last night and the bait is prepped for paint. I will try to post a pic when it is complete as this is my first bait. I'm not holding out any hope that this thing will swim where I want it, but it's been fun and I'm sure it will improve as I do more. Thanks again for your time and input.
  11. carver

    Diving depth

    Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help. Also, I've read that using a square lip tends to make the lure run deeper. Is that true?
  12. carver

    Diving depth

    I've read on past threads that 1" of bill equates to roughly 10 feet of diving depth. I am trying to create a crankbait that imitates a fathead (perch) minnow and I would like it to run about 7 - 10 feet. The body I carved is about 1.75 inches long. I feel as though adding a bill that is close to an inch long will make it too big in comparison to the body. Is it possible to add weight to the body to get the bait to suspend a few feet and then put a 0.5" bill on to get it the rest of the way down? Hope this isn't a stupid question. I'm new to all this. Thanks in advance for your help.
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