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Everything posted by Kajan

  1. Your serious? He opened his biz up , and is the one that changed how alot of people make lures, he is the one that brought the hand injection into reality for the average lure maker. www.bearsbaits.com
  2. I rig mine like I designed them. Some are flat on top, some on bottom, just depends on the lure.
  3. THis one works great, just does'nt have the wider body http://www.bearsbaits.com/5-14-Reef-Stik_p_231.html
  4. I did not mean Phalate free was biodegradable. But was more a between plastic between regular Plastisol and what a biodegradable lure is. You know, the type that when left out of the bag shrink beyond recognition. Gulp ect. Which would technically not be artificial lure. The point is, I want the lures I make to last a long time in the packs. Kinda how MF lasted a long time selling plastics and plastic products
  5. Please don't show how small your mind is, its not purdy. Not everyone here fishs sweet water. Salt water here is much differant, colours ect. One colour might work this year and not work for maybe 7 years before its the colour the fish want. So don't be such a small judmental fish in your small pond you evidently fish in. I make my own lures for my own use, and I stock colours I know fish will hit sooner or later. I have some phalete free plastic I used to test, lures are all slimey, nasty, are what I assume degrading.
  6. I personally don't want any bio plastic. I would hate to pour bou'cou' lures for future use and find out they were degrading in de' packs.
  7. Yea my first order from MF was in 1987 when I first started makin lures. Was no Internet back in dem days LOL
  8. All to taste, start with 3/4 tsp/cup
  9. Kajan

    First resin baits

    Purdy lures, are they floating, and are they wire thru? I really like the speck lure, nice work, great paint job.
  10. I am not 100% sure, but I think Chemionics purchased that company
  11. You can use all kind of differant material. But some place on the forum you can find a pic of my Galv Metal trays I fabricated to make Resin and RTV molds. I make the pans to fit the lure master I am molding, this way I can use minimal materials needed.You just have to make sure its beveled on all 4 sides. Just remember, a pan to make a mold does not have to be standard square or rectangular shaped.
  12. Can I ask how long did your lures cure before you fished them? And you mentioned owner Monster hook, do you mean their Beast hooks? If so, that is the hooks I use, and usually the problem you had was fishing a lure that was not cured or using some softer plastic. I allow my lures to cure for at least 2-3 weeks before bagging or use, but I do test some new colours in the pond with lures that I just finished pouring and the plastic comes out the nose still attached to the screw lock sometimes as you said.
  13. If you make the base 15" long from back to front, you want 3/4"-1" slope.
  14. I agree anything dat slides sure makes it easy to pour from pot. Just alum seems to allow molds to cool quicker I find.
  15. Really good post, really using your head.
  16. Well Presto pots are definatly the easiest way to pour into one pc molds in my opinion. All I use. But you need to put a hard bottom on your rtv molds. I believe I am the first one to start that a few years ago, I put alum bottoms on RTV molds and it allows it to slide under the nozzel easily. You can find some pics of my pouring station on Soft plastics. But once you start using the presto, I would highly recomend a stir system. Makes life easier bou'cou'.
  17. With Harder than med mix of Calhouns I pour at and below 300 degrees. Still has to get to 330 - 340 before you lower the heat and everything is mixed
  18. All I pour is open one pc molds, RTV, and with a Presto pot with valve, I pour my molds and never have to trim lures. Now to stop the lure from having a con cave top, you would have to let it sit a short time and add some plastic. For fishing, I never worry about concave, it makes a nice hook indention. The colder temp you can pour your plastic the less shrinkage you will have in the lure inside the mold.
  19. http://www.tackleund...h&fromMainBar=1 Use that and put it "Painting Soft Plastics"
  20. I don't think you will have enough, you will need 2 of those 6" fans at min. Try it with the one, you can add side partition walls to help your draw. Make sure you have equal ammount of intake air coming into your room.
  21. Kajan

    Fish 30acre Jerk Shad

    I think that lure is gona be a big winner.
  22. Looks nice, but you should of went with larger dia pipe and larger fan.
  23. Yep it does work, someone else posted that on here a while back, Baby oil works really well.
  24. Definatly some awsome Mullet immitating lures, beautiful work
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