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Everything posted by Kajan

  1. THis might give you a few ideas http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/14203-pouring-station/page__p__106398__hl__%2Bpouring+%2Bstation__fromsearch__1#entry106398
  2. Good deal, 3/8" is correct size, you also need a 3/8" hose barb under valve. You should of added your costs prior to buyin the pot, you might of not really save any money since you did'nt have tap already. But I applaud you for making your own pot. Bon' Luck
  3. I really like your idea der Longhorn, nice. Easy, practical, will work well.
  4. Ma' if you don't carve, I am affraid you might have problems. But I use couple of things for masters, but I started with cypress, I would recommend that for you, but you have to be able to cut/carve/sand/seal/sand/finish
  5. If you look up one of my posts in Soft plastics, Should find a pic of my pouring station. You will see I have lights to keep my nozzels heated, and I have no problems. Of Corse I live way down here against the GUlf of Mexico, not sure if its enough up in the Northern Tundra
  6. I would recomend one of Bears Presto pots with valve. Pours fine stream and works well as long as your RTV mold has alum base.
  7. Just use Motor OIl colouring to clear plastic, will give you effect you are looking for. Bear has some excellent Motor oil. www.bearsbaits.com, I also like MF's Motor oil, but they bleed if mixed with other colours.
  8. Yep, good question, I only pour one pc open molds, and I do multiple colours all the time with no problems. Of Corse I stop at 3 colour pours LOL
  9. Well I am not as experienced with sweet water fishing as I am with salt water, coastal salt water mainly. But colours do matter, and laminates do matter. The horizontal lam when using transparent colours, gives you a 3rd colour as it falls from the surface to the bottom, and alot of strikes are in the fall zone, so the fish see these colours as the mixed colour often. But on the opeque' colours, I think the darker top colour darkens/shadows the bottom colour. I have seen where 2 or 3 brand lures, same colour, only one caught fish, same type lure, just one I never ever caught a fish on, was the Bass assassin eel, flat bodied, lam is flat. It was more or less like the lure GB was talkin about, and I tried hookin the lure horizontal and vertical. All in all, I guess with a vertical laminate in an opeque' colour would depend on which side the fish was on, would dictate whether it would bite or not.
  10. I put my lures layed out on a SS pc of sheet metal, in teh A/C. I find it takes about one full week for the lures to cure 100%
  11. Kajan

    Presto Pot

    YOu use the valve for pouring one pc open molds or 2 pc pour molds. Most using the injectors just fill the injectors straight from the presto pot. The motor has a switch for turning it on and off.
  12. You might not be allowing all the bubbles to release before pouring, I think thats what s causing your dimple problem .
  13. THe RTV molds are the easiest to pour in one pc and to have no trimming to do. You should be able to pour it and not have to trim if you would use a pot to pour with.
  14. I will just say again, get your self a presto pot and pour the tails, I pour bou'cou' fluke lures and I have no problems, But I use RTV molds, I never ever have to trim lures.
  15. Ma' if you want to make life much easier, get your sef' a presto pot with valve and stirrer, you will be pouring some fine streams with no effort.
  16. You want the RPM's to be between 35 and 50. Make sure it has torque' suggested in previous thread. I think its 21" lbs. You need a 4 blade paddle, is much better than 2 blade. 3/8" nipple and open valve. If you need any more help feel free to Email me.
  17. Yea injection core will look almost perfectly round on cross section view. This is what a bloodline/core will look like on left and split vein on the rite. Put the pics in negative view because my picture taking is not nearly as good as zbass's LOL Also for the ones who are not quite as advanced at pouring as some of these fellas you can do like some others who cheat and pour a lure with belly slot, take some plastic paint, paint a blood line in the slot then dip the lure. Will give the lure appearnce of a blood line even though it is not really one or a hand pour.
  18. I think it would be easier to just pour it. I only use presto pots, but is fairly easy to get small stream, especially with med plastic and softer. This pic did'nt come out well.
  19. Kajan

    Fluke Mold?

    I read many of these threads, and I take peoples statments as truthful usually. But I am not gona sit here and listen to this BS. Jim you can come on here an say what lure you prefer, dats fine, but to say that lure spins, ect, either you can't rig a lure or your tryin to bad mouth Bears lures, or your just completly incompatent, not sure, but you are lying thru your teeth. That lure swims perfect, does not spin, weighted or not, I have fished that lure many ways and styles, it does not spin. Anyone who disputes this, try one and see for your self. Now I have given you the benifit of the doubt on much you have said, but now I have to wonder what else you have lied about.
  20. Kajan

    Fluke Mold?

    Everyone I know seems to like Bears RTV fluke. Good mold. Its the second one from the top.
  21. I have only used MF Saltwater, and Calhouns Tube, Calhouns has better hook holding properties than MF. Problem I found with MF was, where your jighead would come out the lure, would seem to rip/tear and plastic is slippery if that makes sense, would not stay on jighead well. Is good clear plastic.
  22. I like the one from Bears RTV mold. Has excellent kick.
  23. I find it is like a fine glitter.
  24. I think the biggest problem is people tossing used lures overboard. I see bass in pond that eat tails off worms , end up throwing up the tails later and I find them floating along bank. I have caught and cleaned speckled trout and reds with old lures in their stomachs and never noticed any problems with fish, lures seem to actually be decaying somewhat. Maybe they should just ban fishing all together so we don't hurt any pwesons':huh: I think live bait actually hurts more fish than plastics. My opinion.
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