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About FishingBuds

  • Birthday 04/06/1971

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  • Location
    Southern Indiana
  • Interests
    God, Family, Fishing, Hunting

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  1. Old topic but always gets interesting. I came into the plastic world when the hand pouring was getting strong competition from injection. Currently I still do both.
  2. Evacuate your injector at least two times, also how much plastic are you heating up? when I first tried it I was using 2ounces of each color and this was not working, at least do 4 ounces, once I did these two things I was producing two color baits
  3. correction, its a MB874 at 55 bucks, its 7.4 12-20 line, Heavy.
  4. Hawgbone, if your gonna build a frog rod Mudhole's 2011 cataloge has a 7.4 Frog Rod dedicated at $47 bucks. I think its a 844 but im at work right now so can't check my cataloge. Problem is that they are not on line in the store yet, I called and Gary told me they are waiting still for the supplier. He said by the end of Januaray they should have them. may be worth to wait it out, Im gonna wait for it myself. personally, I would use alconite guides, and go micro, get my own reel seat i want, buy premade split handles, and tiger wrap it. Even play with some winding checks. The problem on high spending for a rod is you will have something crooked or your finish flawed and at that much money it sucks. Like me my first rod I had both issues, but I spent 20 bucks for a IM6 mudhole blank so it didn't hurt so bad, but the IM6 is a decent blank still. Good luck with it Im sure you'll love it
  5. All is well with my MHX, it ended up being about 1/2 inch that snapped off so I popped the guide tip back on and have been using it still and happy with it. I'd still buy another one.
  6. do we have a Presto Pot here? or am I missing something?
  7. mrbilky has got it, get a starter kit, has everything but a heat source which is up to you on what you wanna use there. Welcome
  8. I suggest you look thru the archives to anwer your post here, there is lots of debates on these questions you have and Im confident you will find your answers, im tellen ya lots of debates!!!!!!.
  9. Looks like you got it, they look good
  10. I made up a wooden stand for two pyrex cups, have a 1x4 going across the top with holes big enough for the tips, this way I purge the plastic back in the cups easy, and I still can pop my tips off with ease
  11. Motor oil, Black melon, JuneBug, C-Pumpkin, White & Orange swirl, and the best PINK!
  12. Usless info but, I friggen broke my tip on my MHX rod man! I got a strike, and when i set it, snapp its my MB782 MAG BASS 6.6, so im gonna need to see how i can get a return maybe??
  13. I scent up just to cover the plastic smell also and think its needed IMHO. I have not seen a catch ratio difference at all yet on strength of scent. I tried 4 drops on 5 shad/minnows versus 20 drops on another bag of shad/minnows, I actually caught two less fish on the 20 drop bag, so it was two fish caught on 4 drops verses no fish caught on 20 drops same colors I would really love to try out other scent ideas tho, something out of the box besides pork fat, maybe oil based cocoa bean, or vanilla extract or some wangy salad dressing of course it all needs to be oil based
  14. Im needing to take off the faceplait(side panel crank side) of my pflueger and it seems stuck/ Its not a high dollar one, its a 3 bearing endeavor and i took out the three screws and all the other stuff, but itwill not seperate from the top, is this a snap on plate because its a cheper one? I have no idea whats holding this plate on at the top, what ever it is its internal and i don't see anything. I know i may not get no where with this thing but will try and see. so snapped together maybe?
  15. two piece silicone mold, made 2 of them. as you can see i poured them and for now I'm using a alan wrench for the hollow filler. only thing i still have to work out is the air pockets at the top, i still get a few. I placed two vents, one on each end and it dramatically helped but still a few more tweaks
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