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Everything posted by ALC609

  1. yes, but the rumors are flying around that they are trying to sell it.
  2. bassfan.com has the story
  3. well, your living in a cave if you think it has nothing to do with liberal beliefs. few years back , a member of PETA got a big job with CHEVY. first thing they started was trying to get CHEVY out of fishing. so don't set back and say it has nothing to do with it. and thats the very problem, PETA and gun control wants sportsman to set back and be passive while they take all they can get. the reason for the declining sportsman numbers is that they are slowly taking it away. they go after regulations and access to fishing and hunting areas and sportsman are becoming to passive that they give up and let them do it. if there were no beverly hillbillies on tv when you were a kid, would you know who the clampetts are now? NO. if there is no fishing or hunting on tv the kids in the future will have no idea. kids learn from watching there parents, so when your child grows up sitting and watching KVD and BILL DANCE with you on tv, they try to be like there parents and learn about outdoors. it's there way of slowly phasing it out. and i don't care who you are, your not going to convince me there is no money in outdoors, or that there are more people who enjoy watching yard darts or billards than outdoor programming. so keep trying to defend them and that flushing sound your hearing is your rights!
  4. it has more to do with people like PETA and gun control groups than you think. this ain't all just about moving sportscenter to the morning. and ESPN has showed there liberal views alot over the years.
  5. released today espn cancelling outdoor tv, replacing with soccer and other trash. the toll free espn complaint number is 1-888-549-3776. call let them know what you think. or sit back and learn latin and eat tacos
  6. does anybody know if the spout on the bottom of a lee's production pot will screw off for cleaning? or whats some ideas on how to clean, mine keeps stopping up at the spout.
  7. well i think the colors like the pb&j color is done with highlite but i can not find how much highlite to how much plastic. with silicone molds i wait about 10 seconds.
  8. thanks, but i've tried the searching and it brings up everything but what i'm looking for and this site is very slow. been at this for several hours today with no luck.
  9. when pouring, how do you get the effects of say pb&j? where the main part of the bait is brown but it has a slight purple effect to the outside of the bait? and to get two colors to transition together without having a cold line, like the tail of something in chartruece but where it joins green pumpkin it looks faded? thanks
  10. Email me alc609@aol.com I'm interested
  11. anybody got a recipe for zoom cherry seed?
  12. can you microwave these?
  13. does anyone know of a pyrex or anchor type cup that is smaller than the one cup version which i have now. need something with a smaller spout, having trouble with detailed pours like craw worms.
  14. looking for 10.5" ribbon tail worm mold. and will look at any other molds for sale.
  15. square tailed is what i'm looking for, but the biggest thing i need in it is for it to fit a do-it shad head mold. so it needs to have the flat front. but how can you tell what your getting at lurecraft? you can't tell what the pictures are.
  16. does anybody know where you can get a mold like the big hammer swimbaits?
  17. if adding salt, how much is a little, and in how much plastic? and i believe i'll try both ways to see which works best for me.
  18. which works best for drop shot baits, salt or no salt? and what does salt do to bait action?
  19. recently started pouring and have been using lurcraft plastic and softner and pouring a del's two piece worm mold. i have noticed that if i put my worms in a bag for storage and they get bent while in bag, they retain some of this shape and stay slightly bent. i'm using about a tablespoon of softner to 4oz of plastic with about 2 tablespoons of salt. what can i do to prevent the worms from having memory if they get twisted up in the bag?
  20. paypal is a great service to keep customers from being ripped off. i have never had a problem with paypal and will continue to use them. but if you are charging $5.00 to cover a $1.75 charge, than your worse. and it's no different than these people who charge $7.00 shipping and when you get the package you see $2.00 at the top.
  21. ALC609

    Devcon 2t

    Called walmart and complained about walmart not having devcon 2t anymore and now my local stores are working on trying to get it back. the guy at walmart said it has been replaced or being replaced at all stores, so if more people called and complained he said it would help to get it back. the ph# is 1-800-walmart and follow the menu.
  22. how do you go about pouring a chartruece tail, on a worm or grub in a one piece p.o.p. mold?
  23. i have another question, i have one of the old fry baby's which would be the perfect size for small amounts of plastic. but they heat to a preset temp which would be to high, about 400*, is there a way to control the temp? thought about putting a receptacle on a dimmer switch to reduce current flow. has anybody else messed with this?
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