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Everything posted by tt400

  1. I did not think you could put Pyrex onto a hotplate without the risk of it exploding?
  2. Does anyone have some pictures of the finished product they would like to show off? Would really like to see some examples as I may purchase this mold. Also how does it compare to Bears tube mold? Thanks
  3. tt400

    Trick Worm

    Thanks for all the great replys. Do you guys see a difference in the action of the bait between the full round and the flat side? Also Dave any hints on your salt content as I do use them wacky style.
  4. tt400

    Trick Worm

    152nd are you using the full round or the flat sided bait? Bears flat sided bait looks like the flat side is way larger than the Zoom.
  5. tt400

    Trick Worm

    Who makes the closest version of the Trick worm. I am looking to pour these for myself and want the closest copy. Thanks
  6. tt400


    I just got a beaver mold from bobs and was wondering what would be a good plastic to start with. I have both soft and medium dels plastic.
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