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About 30ishbmx

  • Birthday 12/01/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks diemai, I used agrololo's (sp?) tecnique for the the swirling.
  2. and so it begins...thanks to all the posters, I learned alot reading on here...
  3. that swirl lure is amazing... so model paint works. do you wait between dips or does the water get squeezed off/out by the paint drying?
  4. I sooo have to buy some tools....REALLY nice man
  5. part of the rise in raw materials was an increase in building worldwide... if other gov'ts follow suit with what I hear coming out of the whitehouse then you may see another rise.
  6. thats like me eating a 6ft sandwich in one shot!!! fish are pigs, nice
  7. you'd catch some pretty small fish with those...
  8. seeing the canadian dollar rebound from $.76 is nice...thanks guys I'll check out bassmag.
  9. I'm in ottawa canada and wondering where other canadians are getting their plastic from.. Also a newbie question, is the glitter you use the same as the stuff in my daughter's craft kit or is it made specific for heat during pouring? thanks
  10. since I was a teen there has been swim googles in my box...lure hunting whenever I decide to cool off with a swim.
  11. I owned a bike parts company for afew years and dealt with 8 different manufacturers. I had parts cnc'ed per my specifications-one off prototypes as well as small production runs. From my experience businesses over there are alot like businesses over here, some are good and somne are bad...and the only way to know is from past experience with them...sooo let me know who you order from and how it goes. just want to add that what your doing (buying smallish order) is a good way of finding out what kind of company your dealing with, asian companies handle small orders the same way they handle big orders....
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