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Everything posted by jameso321

  1. Does this effect the Pelucid POR-15 or are they the ones that are not producing any more?
  2. The information below is not accurate in the case of Etex. Bubbles are pretty normal and there are ways to get less bubbles, but they go away simply by gently exhaling or blow gently through a straw (manufacturer says you can torch as well, but immediately, not in four hours). You should not be brushing and brushing and brushing and brushing. It does self level and brushed on in even coats, its fine. Your advice is probably accurate with the other epoxies you have dealt with. I have topcoated baits with etex more times than I care to admit; several hundred 2-3 ounce baits.
  3. Some of the best prop sealing is done with an overnight soak. Guys that use it and havent gone down that road yet need to give it a shot.
  4. volume! the parts to etex do not have the same density also, buy a new batch of etex just in case you are using bad etex
  5. never had a single issue as described above. need to thin, test, etc
  6. Searchy search search, use the search here is incredible info around Createx paints and Double action AB for me
  7. Make sure you get the correct type, there are a couple of them.
  8. I dip in to oil based primer and it sounds like to me you need to thin more. I do use a sponge brush to dab off excess from bottom about 30 mins afterwards too.
  9. I am going to try out some of these 9000 and 9300 products. I really dont like the solvents in the DNLC type prodcuts. Great news though these items are less than $70.00 shipper per gallon. I am going to try this out on larger lures, 3oz, and need a gallon or so to work with. I think I will pour it in to a glass or pvc tube though for dipping thanks guys
  10. Parks SuperGlaze at Home Depot Very similar to etex; some say better you decide
  11. ok so in the time it took to type this, we can rehost the image there you go
  12. If you had seen drips, too much was applied especially near the ends.
  13. Etex does not require a spinner when you apply it and pull it thin. You hang and flip it a few times in the first hour. I apply with acid brush or 1" sponge brush. I have done this with hundreds or 2-3 oz large saltwater baits. gl
  14. The best sealer for prototyping lures. love it
  15. I use prop. for testing. It is the best thing in the whole world for getting a test bait in to the water in a few hours from square block of wood. Some guys use it for sealing all the time. I use epoxy for sealing when I make a bait from start to finish. propionate I bought mine from dude on ebay and I bought a small amount from "swede"
  16. Not true. 1-2 is fine. I have done a zillion baits to prove it. Etex, in general, is pretty forgiving. This is probably bad batch.
  17. Envirotex Lite - Michaels Crafts and AC Moore Crafts sell it at least. It is a pretty popular topcoat. Environmental Technology Inc. I think its great, but I will be starting to work with Dick Nites this year as well. gl
  18. Etex You do not need a spinner for etex Some people use one and some people dont. You pull etex thin, flip a few times in the first hour. (hanging end to end) My last hang is tail down. That's it. I never used or needed a spinner and the baits are perfect.
  19. Ah yes, I remember now reading about that last year. Ever use it on larger lures, 2-3oz?
  20. Talking about Cement Sealer? link to manufacturer please
  21. These things happen when you actually fish these lures and not mount them in a framed box on your living room wall. I will be working with DN Lure coat this year though; looking forward to it.
  22. What would be the minumum shop temperature to use DN lure coat? At most the shop has been about 60 degrees lately Thanks
  23. from other site air brush manifold how to...... - SurfTalk This was posted here too and I am not sure why i cant find it
  24. You can make one yourself super cheap. There is a pic here in a thread somewhere. I know that doesnt help a lot, lol. You can buy the small pipes and the t connectors for as many brushes as you have and make sure you teflon tape it all. All of these items are at lowes/homies
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