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About dangercat

  • Birthday 01/07/1972

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. How about DIY silk screening? It doesn't look like it would be that hard to build a jig that holds four or five blades and would allow one to silkscreen them all at once. A single color would be a snap. I've also read there are epoxy-based inks that can be used for silk screening. Here's a link to an article that shows the basic steps of silk screening. Cheers! Scott Phillips
  2. Could the blades be motorized and mounted to a rigid pole, instead of flexible cable? Just a thought... Scott Phillips
  3. Thanks for the advice about being very specific in ordering product...when I placed my order, I included model number, size, quantity, description, payment currency, and I even cropped a photo from their catalog and told them this is the item I wanted. Also, the comment about handling small orders the same as large is well worth knowing. With shipping, the order of 1000 6mm crystal rondels came to $76 USD. Time will tell if I'm out a little money or got a great deal. I'll keep you posted! Cheers, Scott Phillips
  4. If you are using a hand drill, rather than a drill press, for a quick and dirty solution that doesn't involve purchasing a new bit, try running the bit in reverse. It will take a little more pressure on the bit, but it will leave a really smooth, almost glazed, depression. Good luck, Scott Phillips
  5. Hi, I'm new to TU and can't tell you how much I appreciate the incredible information contain within these pages. Thank you! I'm getting ready to place an order for 1000 crystal rondels (i.e. wedding ring) beads from a manufacturer in China. I've never imported products from China before, and subsequently, I'm a bit nervous about the purchase. I did my best due diligence, and the company appears to check out; since the amount of $ I'll be spending isn't that great, I'm going to pull the trigger and do it. Do any of you have good or bad experiences directly importing components form overseas. Also, to save someone the question, I do have my I.R.S. form 637, so I'm set up to pay the excise tax down the road. Many thanks, Scott Phillips
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