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About VTBasser

  • Birthday 12/03/1961

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  1. VTBasser


    Be careful using a tack rag. Some can leave a residue when they are new that some paints don't like.
  2. Can you turn that stuff on a lathe?
  3. Think you should do one or two in flat white????
  4. Read up on it because it is a little different than using Devcon. Good stuff but different. Use the search here and seek out other sites. Google ohiogamefishing. Some good info there also.
  5. Ausgezeichnet! Very cool idea. That went into my notebook!
  6. Working outside (the instructions in the ) box, there is a correlation between mass and volume: density = mass/ volume. If the density is uniform throughout the liquid in a bottle then a given volume will have a predictable mass. Half that volume with have half the mass. Each of the parts of the epoxy have different densities thus different masses per equal volumes. You can measure volume by weight. My method also assumes that the two parts are at equal temperatures. I am just saying that it is easier for me to do small amounts by weight than volumetric measure.
  7. The first line in the chart shows the weight of a full new 8oz. bottles. The resin weighs 44 grams more than the harder. So correct - volumes are the same but weights differ. I make the assumption that the bottles and caps weigh the same on both bottles. Looking at my notes last night I think I weigh the hardener first then add the resin. My instructions above are backwards.
  8. If you are mixing small amounts then the only way to do it is to measure by weight. A few drops is the difference between goo and glory or setting too fast and good pot life! Your eye can't detect that - a scale can. I use a triple beam balance that measures in 1/10th of a gram. I eyeball to the 1/100ths. I also use a single mixing cup - a spackle container that I have cleaned and cut so it is only 1" tall. For a mixing stick I have a tongue depressor that I have cut off the rounded ends so they are square. Zero the scale. Put the mixing container on the scale and weigh it. Take that value and add the weight of resin to be mixed and pour resin to the new target weight. Then add the weight of hardener to the total and pour hardener to the new target weight. Mix together as per instructions.
  9. Torching it off will work. Been there and done that - a lot better that junking the whole plug. You can go pretty crazy with the flame just don't burn the wood. Wear a respirator and do it outside.
  10. I have a TurnCrafter Pro also. I got the variable speed and it is worth every cent of the extra $$$.
  11. Ya - I'm not looking to spray anything with VOC inside. Was thinking the back or bottom of the booth would be a furnace filter to catch most of the particles of paint. Then vent to this homemade charcoal filter to reduce any smells and anything really fine that it could absorb. Then I was thinking some kind of sock filter at the end.
  12. First post here. Do salt lures and spend most of my time at SOL but lurk around here and have gotten some great info. My question is: Using and airbrush and Createx paint - do you think you could vent a spray booth through a dryer hose to a pipe filled with something like aquarium filter charcoal and let that vent out into the room or would you just poison yourself and the house? I am thinking about a pipe the same diameter as the dryer hose. How long do you think the charcoal filled pipe should be? I hate the thought of pumping warm air out into the Vermont winter and what that will do to the heating bill. Santa is bringing me an airbrush and that got the wheels a turning. Thanks in advance for your wisdom.
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