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Saugerman last won the day on December 24 2018

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About Saugerman

  • Birthday 02/12/1952

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  1. I have some KBS that is probably 2 years old. I bought a quart, and have used about half of it. I keep it in the closet in the house at a constant temperature. I keep several layers of plastic seal over the top of the pickle jar I store it in, along with the top, and It stayed nice and thin, for along time. But now it has gotten thick. Is there a way of thinning it down, and still being able to savage it?
  2. I've found that any time you add UV powder to plastic, that it really bring the bait to life. It really shines , you might try that.
  3. Terry,Cedar Run, carries the shallow divers , but I haven't seen the deep divers there.But thanks for your reply.
  4. Thanks, mudbug,I have looked on Cedar Runs site, but your right, he may be able to find some.
  5. .5 is what I'm wanting. Been buying them for years from Dinger, when he could get them. I will get a hold of the new owners, and see if he may have gotten some when he purchased the business. These are great little cranks, sometimes catch fish when nothing regular size will. Thanks for the name of the new owners.
  6. Do any of you know where .5 deep diver blank crankbaits can be purchased? I use to get them from Dinger , but I understand he is gone out of business. I have looked every place I ever heard of, and not having any luck. Any help will be appreceiated. Thanks
  7. I looked through every page on the cook book , don't see any mention of a good AYU color. Sure would appreciate any help.
  8. Saugerman

    Do-it Tail spinner mold

    Looking for tail spinner mold, in good shape. Contact bcahal@gmail.com
  9. Saugerman

    Do-it Tail spinner mold

    do-it tail spinner mold
  10. Saugerman

    Bucktails for sale

    How many in a box?
  11. Nice job Mark, Love the bottom one.
  12. Nils1990, I realize now, that I gave you wrong information, about how to correct your problem with air bubbles. What I told you would help if you had a denting problem, but not with trapped air. What slowfish told you is very much what you are probably needing to check. It does look like trapped air, instead of several dents. Sorry , I would not intentially send you in the wrong direction. Hope you get it lined out.
  13. Try holding pressure on your injector, for maybe 10 seconds, before removing it. Sometimes that helps. Also, add more plastic after removing the injector, so it doesn't suck in any air. Hope this helps.
  14. Welcome to the forum Nils1990.
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