I know that most everyone uses a mask while pouring, but I sweat to death, and can't see what I'm doing with it on. So what Iv'e done is I have a small window, and I set my bench up in front of it. I have a box fan setting in the window, and turn it on high. My microwaves are setting just to the side of the window, When I pull out my plastic the fan is drawing the smoke off the plastic and out side. The one problem I do have is when it is a real windy day, most of our wind comes toward that direction, toward the wall with the fan in it. So some days, I can not pour.
Do you think that what I'm doing is safe? Or should I still have to wear a respirator. I know I am not the only person on here that don't use one, or am I?
Like to here your opinion. I very seldom smell anything.