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Everything posted by rockslide

  1. a few things like frog hair
  2. whats the shelf life on the solvent clear?
  3. you need more molds! that will help and find someone to pull the worms from the mold. if your making pop molds 10 5 cavity molds should do the trick
  4. sounds like you need to buy some softener bluetickhound i make a lot of noodle soft worms
  5. this is what i learned the lee pot will work well if you add a few things! 1. candy thermometer 2. dimmer 3. light bulb im going to go get me a few of these! i wanted to no what i was getting into before i spent any money. i was also told to heat the plastic in the microwave then pour it in the pot. thanks everyone for all the help
  6. byranmc here is the link i have another question were is the heating elment on the presto pot
  7. i have got good pouring with a Pyrex cups! the only problem is i cant pour 3 color worms fast enough. so i started looking into getting a presto pot. the presto pots are huge way to big for me i needed something with a smaller capacity. i did a search here an found the lee pots. the smaller size seems like right one for me! but with deeper research into the lee pots i get a lot of mixed opinions. most people that don't like the lee pot point to the bad thermostat that doesn't work an burns your plastic. so that made me want to pass on the lee pot but i found a post talking about a dimmer an that seem to fix the problem with the thermostat. so i want to no if anyone is using the lee pot with a dimmer. is the dimmer the answer to the bad thermostat? should i skips the lee pot? are there other options?
  8. thanks for all the help! im in California an the more transparent color seems to be the favorite montess i would call that color morning ocean alsworms how strong is mf's fluorescent pink i have some of that on the way basscat im going to have to try that color it looks nice i think the blue vein makes a big difference
  9. do you have a bait picture of it
  10. has anyone figured out morning dawn i cant seem to nail it.
  11. email him an he will get back to you
  12. SenkoSam's Glitter is were i normaly buy from!
  13. i cant use no were near that many! i would have a hard time using 1000. i was pouring these for myself
  14. did anyone ever find another source?
  15. lots of good ideas here thanks everyone! i will try the binder clips today and the jb weld after a few days. if none of that works for me i will get the pour pan
  16. i need to get good at making veins so i need the correct tools. i have 1 cup and also a 4 cup pyrex cups. the spout is too wide and i don't get the results i want. so i went an picked up a norpro cup. it works much better but 2 oz. is the max you can use in it. also i have to pinch it witch takes 2 hands an i still don't get the results i want. is there anything else out there i can use to aid me in fine vein pouring
  17. i cant find this color any help would be good
  18. its a shame know one has this stuff any ware! next time i will stock up
  19. im looking for a source of frog hair silicon! tackle warehouse is out of the colors i need an so is fishingskirts! is there some other place that sells it?
  20. dam so they changed it! i need to start buying a pint or more when i find something i like
  21. yea im aware of the rubber problems i was hoping that the Zappu Special Rubber Conditioner would fix the living rubber problems.
  22. anyone use this or do anything to get similar results? i would like to go back to round rubber but the shelf life of jigs are to short
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