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Everything posted by rockslide

  1. i found this on a Japanese web site MJ9Y Bitchin Craw What is Bitchin? Transparent body, black pearl flake red + green-ish light brown wispy at the bottom. Babasura? I do not know well, is a brownish color. I like this shrimp is fine. i never seen the color so i dont no if that is it or not
  2. im going to get both thanks everyone
  3. im looking for a good red colorant! what company makes a good red thanks in advance
  4. i got bears motor oil that's a good color but it isnt a berkley match. im interested in that one also if you get close let me no
  5. looks like there's no getting around it i held out as long as i can i got to get an injector! thanks all vodkaman i was beiing cheap trying not to buy an injector
  6. i was wondering is it possible to make a dwp or pop ribbon tail mold capable of hand pouring! the only problem that i could think of is not getting the tail to fill out. what if i over vent the mold do you think that would help. im looking for any help or ideas you guys have
  7. thanks everyone i looked around an the longest one i found was the lurecraft mold 5x478 7 3/4" that worm looks like a 9" to me i could be wrong. im going to keep searching
  8. does anyone no who makes this bait looks to be 9 or 10 inches
  9. yes how well do they hold on the hook is a good question
  10. was it this 1 http://www.landbigfish.com/buyersguide.cfm
  11. nothing came up under a search here if there is an easier way I'm all ears could you provide a link
  12. found it don't no why i couldn't before but here is the form link
  13. soft mold for hard bait! i could be mistaken but wasn't there a link to a tutorial on the proper way to make one! i think the guy used clay seat his master in! can some one point me in the right direction? sorry for topic name i hit send an didn't check what i wrote
  14. im looking to switch from screw eyes to stainless steel wire! i plan on twisting my own screw eyes for a more custom fit! i make swim baits 7 and 10 inches long! what size wire do you guys recommend
  15. yes he is the only company that sent me samples of there plastic! so i stuck with them! i buy in large amounts! seems to me like if you cant send me a sample then u don't wont me as a customer
  16. any pictures Kozak? i would love to see how those came out
  17. thanks Pitbull that was me over there
  18. i was looking to make this color zooms cucumber! sense its discontinued i don't see any reason that i couldn't poor me up a hundred or so! can someone help me out with a recipe! or were to start out! i still new at mixing colors so any help will be apprenticed!
  19. Del-Mart and MF doesnt sell root beer! for some reason i thought del did! LC an Bear Baits does so who makes the best one
  20. ok so who's rootbeer should i buy del's MF OR LC! thanks for the help
  21. can some 1 give me some help with this color im going place an order just trying to get what i need 2 make the color! is there a color wheel out there that would help me out so i don't become a pest
  22. ok i ran into a problem! i made a mold yesterday and it came out pitted! small pin holes everywhere! what do you think could have went wrong. i used the clear Mainstay this time could the clear be the problem. when i made a big swimbait some time back it was also pitted but not this bad. from what i have seen from the molds everyone is making around here this is not a problem so i have to be doing something wrong. this is what i do squeeze out the amount im going to use for the mold splash some water onto it and mix. so far so good ! then i scoop a small amount into the mold and cover the surface of my master. then fill the rest in. wait like 20 minutes or so an crack it open. were did i go wrong. now i have to find a hand crank meat grinder to recycle some of these mistakes. i got like a quarter of a 5 gallon buck full of bad molds. i can use some help
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