i was originally going to wither place them in a stream or next to a pier in the lake. i would still like to know some more ideas about baits to catching minnows, other ways of catching minnows, and how you catch a minnow with a fishing pole.
hey I've got this minnow trap cause I've been trying to catch some minnows for bait. Thought i can't figure out which bait works best I've just been using bread and tossing it in next to the dock but i'm not getting anything. does anyone know any other baits that work work really well.
has anyone ever tried using molds from jannsnetcraft.com cause whenever i try to use them the plastic always pours out the bottom or the side does any one else have problems like that
hey im looking for a certain bait that i got from my uncle and im not sure what its called does any one know what this bait is called here is a picture of it
im trying to find a good way to make a 2 piece mold. im not sure oh what types of molds i could make. i could try plaster but i dont want to end up with a bad alinement. does anyone know what types of molds there are and what kinds of molds are easy to make.