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Everything posted by jdrico

  1. Yeah, Popcorn, not Cotton. That's cool man! It's a shame he couldn't do what he loved just because the Feds weren't getting their cut. Have a good one!

  2. Isn't that Cotton Sutton in that picture? I remember that guy, he lived close to where I grew up.

  3. I very rarely use enamels. If you have a good hobby store around, ask them about Model Master acryl. It is an acrylic made by Testors and sprays pretty good. My favorite though is Tamiya brand. There are alot of natural colors available and it sprays great. For a detailing brush, just find one with a very small needle. I use an Iwata HP-CS for almost all my painting. Sometimes with a very thick metallic, I use my old Badger with a large needle. There are many low cost airbrushes out there that work fine. Main thing is practice and have fun. Good luck!
  4. If you're talking about the CS SealKote, I have used it. It doesn't dry as hard as I would like, it's kind of like a hard rubber when it dries. I sometimes use it on lures for myself, but not ones that I sell.
  5. jdrico

    Re Paint

    I think I would add a kill spot. It looks great without it, but I think it would be better with it. Nicely done!
  6. jdrico


    Looking good!
  7. jdrico

    Royal Shad Poe's repaint

    Poe's repainted Royal Shad
  8. jdrico

    First try at crawdad

    This is my first attempt at crawdad. I call it Algae Craw. It's a Bandit 200 repainted green olive with dark green olive body sections, black eyes, and autumn leaves bottom.
  9. jdrico


    These are great ideas! I would have never thought of the comb! I've been using clear transparencies like you use on an overhead projector so I can see through. It works great for gills and fins, but hard to get a good spray on a full body template.
  10. jdrico


    Hey all, I've been a member here for a year, but forgot I had signed up after my old computer crashed. So, this is my first post. I was wondering what you guys make your templates out of? I've tried a bit of everything, but am not happy with the ease of use or results. The one I've had the biggest problem with is trying to paint evenly spaced vertical straight lines down the side of the lure. Thanks and I Iook forward to reading replies.
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