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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Have to agree with this, they are strong but not so strong you can mix it well before using. Some x2 colors are way to thick and don’t mix well.
  2. Frank


    So you are trying to clean your shooting star with this solvent?
  3. You will never get the whole amount out of an injector. At the end you will get plastic that has started to cool to much. Your best bet is see if Basstackle will sell you two of there 10oz one with a Twinjector set up. It will be big but will work well and give you plenty of Plastic. Not sure what you use to heat Plastic but it will work in a presto just fine. Both of the injectors with the same color.
  4. Frank


    What are you trying to do with it? Could be a few of them that might work for you
  5. Lacquer thinner has Mel as one of the ingredients so both will be hazardous. Both should be used with caution.
  6. Not sure if that matters to them , I would be up front with them from the beginning as to not let it be a surprise.
  7. Glad you found it too. There website is different from most others. I call it Spikeit but lure works is the correct name.
  8. Call Spikeit they are the only ones I know of that could help out with those quantity’s. If you plan on reselling it they may not want to help.
  9. Acetone will work but lacquer thinner will give you more time to really wipe it down well. Should wear gloves with either one you use as it is hard on the hands.
  10. I have a sprayer with it in it and just spray it and wipe it out. It will just roll up and not stick again. I don’t have an ultra molds pot so don’t know how hard it is to clean that out but it will make it easier if the stuff does not melt down the plastic and restock it to everything again.
  11. Spike it has the same color it is called cherry red. Just be aware that the Spike it colors are much stronger so using the same formula will result in a much brighter color. Cut your formula by 50% and adjust from there. It is where bear use to get his from.
  12. Go to an Autobody supply shop and get Wax and grease remover. Works like a charm and never softens or melts the plastic. It will just roll off and clean up nicely. It is a form of safety solvent.
  13. Well yes if you are happy with you color it is fine but when someone wants bright then a lot of colorant is needed. Here is hot pink and bubble gum. No way to change bubble gum to hot pink
  14. How much do you use of the powder?
  15. Buy Spikeit hot pink and don’t be afraid of putting a lot. A lot means 30cc to 32 oz batch that will give you a bright color. Bubble gum is that color with white added. Bright colors can be done just can’t use drops to get it, needs a lot of colorant. Most other colors have been cut way more and is hard to achieve bright colors.
  16. Which plastic are you talking about?
  17. You can use Spikeit kudzu to get that color. It’s a dull watermelon color.
  18. Yes it does do the same thing. Basically melts the plastic with chemicals and bonds it back together. Once opened it will have a shelf life but it will take awhile to gel up.
  19. No it does not. I use it to put on soft plastic eyes and they are just as pliable.
  20. Spikeit has a color with that name. Not sure if the color is right for your friend but worth a try.
  21. You guys will be good it does hold Plastic together fine. Not sure what is in it but it works. You could also get pvc cement from a hardware store and it will work too it is a form of plastic just like irrigation pipes.
  22. When painting a soft plastic bait there are not to many choices for paint and only one company that makes it. That company is Spikeit, they have two types one solvent based and one water based. The solvent one smell really bad and caution when using it should be a top concern. The water based one is great but take awhile to dry(unless you force it to dry with a hairdryer or heat gun).This one does need to be top coated with a solvent based clear or dipped in Plastic to seal it. It does dry but if stored touching each other they will stick to each other. As for making a hollow body swimbait I have a video on you tube that shows me making one and painting it too, look up Franksrooty2 and look for the one you want. I know it does not show how to get it off but you just slide it off.
  23. Well I am not a northern boy but ours are about the same 6-8mm. I live in Northern California the south end of the salmon and steel head runs.
  24. When you do this type of thing with a mold you might be blocking off the vents. If so then try to make new vents or just get a Twinjector and settle for a half and half bait. I have some molds that if I shoot the tails there is no vent left because the tail is blocking it.
  25. You must have real small salmon in Utah. That is the size of trout eggs.
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