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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I believe the stiffest I have used is from spike it. It is 40d which is the shore hardness number. Pretty stiff stuff. Frank I believe the stiffest I have used is from spike it. It is 40d which is the shore hardness number. Pretty stiff stuff. Frank
  2. Red is a tough one but I would try white pearl to give you a back up color to see the red. I have alot of reds and the most opague is Spike its blood red but still add white pearl to make it pop.Frank
  3. Just an update from our newest mold maker. You can as a TU mamber get an extra 10% off. Kinda like free shipping on small orders but much more on large orders. They seem to have a 10% of featured item so it is 20% on those items. Just thought I would let you in on a great deal and savings. Frank
  4. Basstackle.com has a few of them look in the split tail category. you will get it in just a few days. Frank
  5. Never thought of it that way. His partner is still with us but not the same. Frank
  6. Rooty is the name of the best dog our family has ever had. He would tell me when my wife was not feeling well and would not leave here side when she felt like that. He would get her anything she asked for but like we all know only the good die young. I will never forget that dog. Frank
  7. I made a few that are on the tutorial section. Or just go to you tube and look up franksrooty2 and you will find all of the ones I made. Frank
  8. I second the Ir temp guns. Even if you have two prestos set at the same temp you will still need to know the temps as they are not always accurate. Not sure how my first attempt would have looked like if I did not have one. Frank
  9. I think Mike hit the nail on the head. Low temps around 310 will give you a good laminate. The hotter you get the less definate the line is. Frank
  10. Dark watermelon w/red 15 flake over a light green pumkin w/red 15.
  11. Yes there is but you wont get more than 8.5 out of it. Unless you get it real hot. That is why I said the Twinjector. His sizes are correct in ozs now. Frank
  12. The Twinjector in 6oz filled with the same color. Or the Jacobs press. Frank
  13. They are out there. You have to understand one thing about showing something at Icast, it is the first place you WILL get your design copied. There are alot of people just cruising looking for the next thing to knock off. Happens all the time. Us manufactures are out there just have to look. Most seem like it is just easier to get it from overseas. The people from this board are of a differant breed, we will make something come to life. Most new people that dont have a desire to create with there hands. They think I came up with the idea let some one else make it. I talked to quite a few companys that dont offer soft baits and the majority of them though it needed to be made over seas. I educated them a bit and let them know there was another options out there. I actually got one to bit and will be talking to them this coming week. A magical company is not out there but there are some out there. You just have to work on it.Be real carefull who you give your ideas to also, very carefull.
  14. Here is a look at the Lureworks Machine. It is programable with a touch screen or buttons if your hands are dirty. He is pouring baits at the show and changing things in a jiffy right there. One color,laminates, core shots, swirls and anything in between. The price is just below 15g's but it is a real impressive looking machine. Don said it was alright to post it as it has been released now. Look for updates on there website soon. The pretty Woman in the picture is Katie, she will be heading up the website dutys. No kitchen eguipment here is there. Frank
  15. Got mine today also. Five days, one weekend and one holiday. Not bad. Now off to Icast and meet Kevin and his wife. Most of you may not know but last year they had there first child. That being said his wife is becoming a bigger part of the business and still has time to do Mommy things. Great people. We are all lucky they take there business seriously. Frank
  16. Could not find it. So just improvised. I bet his mom does not know about the food coloring deal yet.Frank
  17. Be nice dont you remember when you were his age, typing before you read. Mom took his color crayons away and gave him a key board. Of coarse he was using his crayons to color plastic anyways. Consider the source and forget about it. RA RA RA RA go bear. Sorry could not help it.
  18. Glad you are not hurt worse. I to sometimes get a little to comfortable when I pour. Have to be more carefull from now on. Take care of that hand. Frank
  19. The more people that do the mold making the more new ideas come out. Frank
  20. The town says Scroggins Texas
  21. That gives me a good idea too. Thanks for sharing Frank
  22. The adress is http://lsbaits.com/ just tried to search it and found the same as you.Frank
  23. We have a new mold maker that just started a new web site. I bought one of his molds and it looks great, shoots great. Nice to see more people jumping in. The name of the company is Lakeside Bait molds. Looks like he has a good start on his sight and am sure there is more to come. He seems to have all the add ons that people want like laminate plates and tail molds. Maybe not on all but a few. Hopefully we all can get him to be a sponser for that site too. Look up lsbaits.com and see what he has. Being new I bet he does not have to many custom jobs too. You never know what you will find gotta love the internet. Frank
  24. I guess me and toadfrog are the one in the minority. You all see it for what it is and not what it can be. Lets just shoot all the new ideas down and just keep pouring from Kitchen equipment. And pour PERFECT baits everytime. Like that always happens. Dont you see he said he can pour baits with 50% salt, can it be done EASILY with a presto pot? As for the 2.5 cups well that can be gotten around if he were to be given the right feed back, but no we have to just say it is not big enough and move on. I for one dont pour sticks and it still seems like a good idea for other reasons, like cutting down on plastic costs. Why did no one see that point? Tha big guys do it. Can it be pressurised dont know because of all the nay sayers. Maybe not faster maybe less smoke and maybe not. How do we all know? I would love to see it. What it can do is all up to the user. He saw it one way but someone else may see it another. A new idea is priceless that is what it is worth. Frank
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