I think if you are dipping off the top you will continue to have this issue. If it bubbles they rise to the top and if you are dipping they want to kling to what you dip. Trying to save money sometime causes new chalenges to over come. Seems to me the less you pay for plastic the more challenges there are but if you find a way to make it work great. There are some plastics that dont have this when you heat but they are not near this price range. One thing I will tell you it works GREAT in the Jacobs injection press. With the pressure and pouring from the bottom not an issue at all. I dont even wait for the bubbles to rise, I just pour it in and start shotting. Even the hard shoots great even with small apendages in the mold. As for agitating the bubbles out, I dont I just then rise. The more I mess with it, the longer it takes to rise. Frank