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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Well I think the injectors need to be hotter(mainly the tips). When using Plastic with salt the heat may have to be more in the 350 range because of the heat loss from the injectors. Another tip is you need to keep moving and dont hesitate. Two color injectors have small ports and will clog fast if you hesitate even for a moment. The temp between the two colors should be within 10 deg or closer if possible to keep the laminates real consistant. Good luck and post some pics in the gallery when you get some done. Frank
  2. I am with you on this. I know better than to push to hard but now I dont have to remember not to. I have boys who help me from time to time and dont think twice about letting them help. Frank
  3. Use a roll pin. They are spring steel and will fit snug. Frank
  4. That is what I thought people using it for production will not like it but most people dont have 24 molds. That said how consistant are the baits when the temp drops down and you get some build up on the walls of the injectors. And now is see why you want a bigger hole in the injector nozzle. I can see the channel in the Bass Tackle unit being to long and clogging up. Do you have the large injectors from Bass Tackle? Mine are on the way as we speak. I will probably never own 24 of the same molds but would like to fill more molds from one shot. I do alot of variety stuff and shoot same type baits in a setting. One other question how many baits do you get from 24 molds? Sorry for all the questions you are the first one that said you have had both units and I am real interested in your opinion. Frank
  5. How many mold do you want to fill at a time without stopping? I have not had the problem of the adapter clogging before I am done. Even when I clean out the adapter it is still liqiud in the middle. Frank How many mold do you want to fill at a time without stopping? I have not had the problem of the adapter clogging before I am done. Even when I clean out the adapter it is still liqiud in the middle. Frank
  6. How many mold do you want to fill at a time without stopping? I have not had the problem of the adapter clogging before I am done. Even when I clean out the adapter it is still liqiud in the middle. Frank
  7. I am trying to convince my self it was my skirts but I know it was all you and your partner. Good job guys. Frank
  8. See what happens when great minds are at work. Good idea I will have to try that out and see if it is works because if it does you can make differant bands to make a multy color stripes in the same bait. Now the wheels are turning. Thanks for the idea. Frank
  9. Yes they will. They have the same size sprue.
  10. If you are wanting a thin line you will dip the top or bottom of the insert. If you dip the whole thing it will be a large line( more like a core ). Dipping the top or bottom is a bit of a challenge with the whole in the end. It would be nice to some how put a line down the middle of the insert.
  11. Yes I believe I am reading you right and adding a pin to ones that are not, is easy. This fix was not to critisize other designs it was out of my own nesecity. And when presented to Kevin he saw the benifit and incorperated it into his. Now when I use the twinjector like I said I just fill and shoot then I push out the rest back in the pyrex with a swift push without the fear that the tips will fall off. For the people that dont like the lock idea, dont lock it but for the ones that see the benifit it is a real simple fix. Jacobs baits saw the benifit and incorperated it in his also. Frank
  12. That is one opinion and now you have yours. I think you know now the truth. Nothing wrong with ones opinions as long as you have your own. Frank
  13. Well that plastic sure takes alot of heat. The only other one I have found that takes that kind of heat is bears new one. Frank
  14. I am sure cause I own one and when Kevin first made one it had three but I let him know that they were not nessecary so he supplys only one now. Kinda like the locking pins that I put on the tips, I emailed a pic of what I did and Kevin incorperated it into all of his from then on. You see with the injectors together you cant hold two tips in two containers without them falling off. I know it looks like more of a hassle with more parts but it does not have a trick to use. Just fill and shoot. One tip plastic as most of us know has a differant viscosity at differant temps so when you press down on the injectors and they are together the easy one(thinner one) will not inject more plastic than the one with a lower temp (thicker one). That is why it is very important to get the plastic near the same temp before you shoot( within 10 deg). This is not a perfact system but it will gave you results that will make production baits look like a 5yr old did them. I use mine alot and have a system down so the time spent pouring is not idle time watching plastic cool. The waste from what I use is less that three oz from three cups of plastic. I spend no time pumping plastic in and out of the injectors to heat them and cleaning them out to fill again takes about 20 sec. No plastic buggers to deal with and fresh hot plastic to fill every time you shoot. Frank
  15. Mark Whos plastic do you use. Mine turns yellow by that temp. Maybe the temp is why it smokes so bad. Frank
  16. The sprue should be about 1/4 and like nova said try not to hit the side pour down the middle. The plastic temp should be around 320 to 340. This will make it thin enough to pour a small stream and if you hit the side it will not close real quick. Good luck and I hope the kids have a blast. Frank
  17. Bass tackles has 1 wing nut and cleaning is a breeze without getting a mix of plastic that you cant use because the injectors dont touch each other.
  18. I have Bass tackles twinjector and it is designed to give you consistant results time after time. The two injectors fill at the same time and give even pressure when filling the mold thus you get a real even and uniform bait every time. The tip are held on by a pin so they dont fall off in the hot pyrex cups. With this system there is no pumping the hot plastic in and out just fill and shoot. I do not have a bears unit so I will not comment on that one. Also the twinjector is available in two sizes around 6 oz and 12 oz. Plenty of plastic for the non production minded person. My large ones are on the way. I posted a video here when it first came out. The post also includes the bears unit video. Frank As for needing the two parts you were asking about I think you would need to have both units to really know if you need them.
  19. I get around 40-42 6" hogs from three cups. I use the sprues in that number.Frank
  20. Actually they are hollow all the way through the tail so no they are not just sealed. Just depends on the bait you want. Bass tackles are pretty much available both ways. I prefer the hook slot ones but that is just me. Frank
  21. Colors are a funny thing and everybodys are differant. I saw a post on another board with the bears green pumkin and it looked just like you explained transperant unlike other manufacturers of that color. I have lc greenpumkin and it is more green solid(opaque) than others out there. I do have alot of customers that love it. To my eye I like bears ever since I saw it. So the advice to add more color is the only thing you can do for now until you get a chance to try other brands. Frank
  22. Here is one from Bass tackle but for the money I would step up to the two piece and get a real good looking bait that is full round just like the ones you see in the store( but better cause you made it). If you do go the two piece route and dont want to buy an injector make sure it is a hand pour. Hand pours can be injected but not the other way around. Bass tackle has a good variety of craws to choose from that are hand pour. Just ck the heading for craws. Frank http://www.basstackle.com/product_p/4craw.htm
  23. I just measured the hook slot on Basstakles and Bobs it is .055. I had a Bears and it was the same I am sure. This is a sheet aluminium that is cut to fit. I think the one that Jim uses is the old Bobs mold and it would be the same. As for the hollow swims not sure what the reason you spend money for a mold if you can dip them and get pretty much the same bait. Seams that most of the people with the molds dip after any ways( me included) so there is no real machine work that can be seen. Dont get me wrong they are all good molds but the dipping guys have been doing this without spending the money on a mold. The original post was about two molds but there are more out there from Basstackle. There is a 5 and 6" shad along with a pot belly version. If you want a variety to match the bait fish in your area.Frank
  24. That is alot of scrap. One question do you remelt at all or do you just use fresh?
  25. I am guessing you got the mold. Great looking baits. Maybe post them in the gallery for all to see? Not much new stuff there and you will get more looks at them. Frank
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