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Everything posted by Rangerboats1

  1. I have been making lures for about a year and still need help rounding backs and bellies on 1/2 balsa router tearse the wood and hand sand takes to long. i am wanting to produce the baits faster. I thougt of halfing 3/4" pvc and put sand paper inside. it works but still to slow. Any ideas? please help. thanks guys.
  2. Nice use of wiki Dave. its true though.
  3. I think it is a great improvment from my Harbor Freight airbrush. It has more control and easier to clean up. I would tell anyone to get one its great.
  4. I went to Hobby Lobby today looking for airbrushes and found a new Iwata that was just put out. It is call Iwata NEO it was $59.00 with 30% off SO I bought one to upgrand from my harbor freight one. I am getting ready to try it if anyone has one yet let me know what ya think. I am going now to try it out I will let ya know what its like.
  5. I have tried many different things but I can figure out how to do this. What I am trying to do is put speckles on my crankbaits. I guess it is almost like a splatter back color like bandit makes. Any direction would be helpful. Thanks kevin
  6. I just made a couple of crankbaits for the first time and don't know where to buy ballist for my crankbaits. The crankbaits I have made are going to use twisted wire for line tie and back hook hanger. I can't find the hook hanger with the weight attached so I can just drill and epoxy the weight in. I found a site called lure parts.com but no answer calls or emails. I guess if anyone has any ideas let me know or if you have anyfor sale. Thanks guys.
  7. Why would you need customer service for? If they don't work go buy others. Hooks are not computers:nuhuh:
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