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keith combs

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Everything posted by keith combs

  1. Mully, welcome to TU. Keith Combs
  2. I had to . Can not believe they got by Q.C. I hope the big name place will fix that problem for you. Good luck, Keith
  3. I use it for c-tex have had no problems as of yet. Keith
  4. For about the same amount of money you can get one with a tank, 2 to 3 gal. will work fine. The one your looking at is 40 psi max it will not sustain that psi.you might be able to use the one that max out at 100 psi to keep around 15 to 30 psi sustained. I think there was a thread on this last week might do search on the right air compressor. Keith
  5. Welcome, like Cad said he and many others will be glad to help. Keith
  6. I know how you feel I kept 3 baits I painted with a brush about 2 years ago, then I switched to rattle cans did some OK paint jobs but it just did not look the way I wonted so now I have went into air brushing head first I look at what some of the guys and girls do and think how in the world can they do such fine paint jobs, why don't mine look like that then I remind myself that I have just begun with a airbrush and I hope it will come with time and a lot of mess ups. what I can tell you is keep advancing in tools and put the time in and it will come I hope . Keith
  7. I had looked at those but was wondering if it would work, sounds like it does here goes $15.00 more because I cannot cut for poop . Thanks for the info. Keith
  8. When the thread that Dave linked was first talked about I contacted him and he was real nice and give me the info about it, the only thing is you have to buy it in 5 gal. amounts and I only need 1 to 2 gal. to try out. If anybody does get the 5 gal. and would like to sell 1 to 2 gal. of it let me know. Keith Combs
  9. Placed order on 3-2-09 2-ps900 and 1 ps-800 only recieved half of order on 3-10-09. Sent email on 3-10-09 within 5 min. Clint Wilder called me back and let me know that rest of order was on the way.Pretty good service. I'm looking at the ps-900 right now looks nice, can not wait to get home and play around with it. Keith Combs
  10. I don't know if a question like that will get many responses. It is kinda like asking a magician to show you how they do a magic trick. Tell what you wont to build ? Each lures' cost is different, time to build,paint,package and I left out a lot of steps. You could figure if a lure cost $1.00 to build,retail it for $2.00 and wholesale for $1.50, just a thought. It is hard to compete with mass production,but I think those that do sell are not even trying to,we are selling a hand made lure not a mass produced one,it is a art form and if you will look in the gallery you will understand what I mean by art. Good luck, Keith
  11. PM me your email will give you a few. Keith
  12. That crank looks nice, you do very good work,really like the paint job bet the muskie will eat it up. Keith
  13. Welcome to TU, you will learn all that the mind can handle, then you will keep doing searches because you remember reading how to do this or that, but now you can't remember what it was.
  14. I think this might be on the same line as what RiverMan posted but here it is, while your wife is in the hospital you eye the tubbing that the doctor is using to give her oxygen and ask the doctor if you can have it when the wife is released.LOL, I did get a funny look from the doctor on that one, then had to explain to him what it was for. Wife was embarrassed, doc even laughed at this request, but did let me have it. I have let my wife read all of the posts on this thread so she can see that I'm not crazy, doing things like all of you have posted. I don't think it helped she still thinks I'm crazy.
  15. When your bedroom looks more like a workshop, then your actual workshop does. Wife noes not like this one much! Just in case you think of something that needs to be done before you go to sleep,LOL. Keith
  16. Vodkaman, that would be to nice on him ! Hazmail, our prayers are with ever body in harms way and with the survivors left to put the pieces back together. Keith
  17. I just got it out! I don't know if it was the heat or the denatured alcohol or both, but it was full of that tan spray will have to clean real well. Thanks to all, Keith
  18. It has been in the denatured alcohol for over a hour should i leave it in over night or try the acetone or does any body else have any tricks to try? If I heat it up at medium heat will it hurt the Teflon packing? Help. Thanks, Keith
  19. FishThanks,the trigger is just being held on the brush by the needle. I have taken off the needle adjusting sleeve/assembly do you think that the denatured alcohol would be better? I don't think it is a bent needle I just think it is froze up with tanning spray. But i could be wrong. I have pulled pretty hard on it already and I'm a big boy:lol:. Thanks, Keith
  20. I,m sorry I should have explained better I have taken the complete needle valve assembly off also the air cap body and air cap off all that is left is the main body and trigger and needle of course, it has now been in windex completely submerged for about 5 hours no luck with needle. I think the only place the needle is left touching the main body of brush is as it goes threw the Teflon packing and packing nut. As mentioned in first post it was only used for "spray on tan" it has never had paint in it. I know nothing about this tan spray it had been a year with this left in it to dry. thanks, Keith
  21. I have just acquired a paasche vl airbrush but can not get the needle out of the brush, the original owner said it had been used about 8 times for "spray on tan" then put up not cleaned for about a year . What I have done is taken it apart all but the needle, cleaned with denatured alcohol, pulled hard on needle no luck. Completely submerged in windex for about 3 hours, no luck. What I have to clean with is acetone,denatured alcohol and windex. The paper work that was with it says any paint cleaner is fine to use. what do I need to do? Thanks for any help. Keith BTW, It looks brand new in box with all paper work.
  22. Well said Dave, I have been thinking on how to say something about the negative post without making it personal now I don't have to. congrats, fishnfool Keith
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