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About 351mustang65

  • Birthday 09/29/1986

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  1. 351mustang65


    Will this work? http://www.lowes.com/pd_238343-99899-2826_4294815781__?productId=3603694&Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_avg_rating%7C1&facetInfo=
  2. Anyone know where I can find solid color lure eyes like the ones in this bait? http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/Whole-sale-12pcs-lot-minnow-fishing-lures-11-5cm-22g-color-box-packing-accept-paypal-Japan/487705206.html I found some in silver and in black but would like to find a lot more different colors and sizes.
  3. That sends me to a Jap site that just tells me the network is in traffic try again later.
  4. Hmm the ABT Wagtail looks almost just like a hud. Well anyway I am just looking for a smaller bait with wedge type tail like that.
  5. Is there any molds out there for a bait like this?
  6. I keep a tub with cold water in it by me when I pour and as I pull the baits from the mold I toss them in the tub.
  7. I pour most of my stuff with out salt.
  8. Anyone know a fix for this? http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/22251-avatar/page__pid__166093#entry166093
  9. I like the Swim bait Vodkaman it has a different action then most but I wounder if the action would change if you use a soft plastisol. (if you need someone to do some testing for you I'm willing) Dose the gelatin float like plstisol?
  10. I got some of the EZ Flow and Ultrasol in soft and I think they are pretty good. Here is my take on them so far after one quick pour. The + They seem to heat up a bit faster. They pour pretty nicely. They don't smoke a hole lot. They don't seem to really separate and settle. The - I have had a little bubbling with the Ultrsol but not to bad. The Ez flow just seems like really extra soft plastic and takes a long time to set. Because they heat up faster you have to be a little more careful with the heat. I could be wrong about this one but I think the baits might have a little stronger plastic smell after setting. Over all so far I like them. By the way I use a hotplate not a micro. Other Plastics I have used are M-F, Lurecraft & Ozarktackle.
  11. Why not just put the powder straight in the plastic? That is the way I do it.
  12. Well it has a 302 in it right now and I also have the original 289 that came in the car but I pulled a 351w out of a old 69 LTD that I want to build and put in it. $$$

  13. Salt or no salt? If you use salt what is your ratio?
  14. you 65 mustang have a windsor or did you modify for the bb cleveland?

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