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Everything posted by 351mustang65

  1. 351mustang65


    Will this work? http://www.lowes.com/pd_238343-99899-2826_4294815781__?productId=3603694&Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_avg_rating%7C1&facetInfo=
  2. Anyone know where I can find solid color lure eyes like the ones in this bait? http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/Whole-sale-12pcs-lot-minnow-fishing-lures-11-5cm-22g-color-box-packing-accept-paypal-Japan/487705206.html I found some in silver and in black but would like to find a lot more different colors and sizes.
  3. That sends me to a Jap site that just tells me the network is in traffic try again later.
  4. Hmm the ABT Wagtail looks almost just like a hud. Well anyway I am just looking for a smaller bait with wedge type tail like that.
  5. Is there any molds out there for a bait like this?
  6. I keep a tub with cold water in it by me when I pour and as I pull the baits from the mold I toss them in the tub.
  7. I pour most of my stuff with out salt.
  8. Anyone know a fix for this? http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/22251-avatar/page__pid__166093#entry166093
  9. I like the Swim bait Vodkaman it has a different action then most but I wounder if the action would change if you use a soft plastisol. (if you need someone to do some testing for you I'm willing) Dose the gelatin float like plstisol?
  10. I got some of the EZ Flow and Ultrasol in soft and I think they are pretty good. Here is my take on them so far after one quick pour. The + They seem to heat up a bit faster. They pour pretty nicely. They don't smoke a hole lot. They don't seem to really separate and settle. The - I have had a little bubbling with the Ultrsol but not to bad. The Ez flow just seems like really extra soft plastic and takes a long time to set. Because they heat up faster you have to be a little more careful with the heat. I could be wrong about this one but I think the baits might have a little stronger plastic smell after setting. Over all so far I like them. By the way I use a hotplate not a micro. Other Plastics I have used are M-F, Lurecraft & Ozarktackle.
  11. Why not just put the powder straight in the plastic? That is the way I do it.
  12. Well it has a 302 in it right now and I also have the original 289 that came in the car but I pulled a 351w out of a old 69 LTD that I want to build and put in it. $$$

  13. Salt or no salt? If you use salt what is your ratio?
  14. I just got in a few new molds and they are new types of bait for me Swimbait & Beaver type bait (Lurecraft 5x854) . So I was just curious what your guys plastic formula was for these type of baits. Also whats your fluke formula.
  15. 351mustang65

    Dragonfly mold

    Looking for a dragonfly mold preferably one from basstackle.com but may consider any. Let me know what you've got. John
  16. I was thinking of trying to modify something like this in to one but I'm not sure it is even possible. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=fresh+air+supply&um=1&biw=1024&bih=578&ie=UTF-8&cid=18199207490044304899&ei=fRpWTfKMFMH38AaU252pBw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CHcQ8wIwAg#
  17. Well I can't say for sure but I would think the definition would be a mold that is junk. Meaning it is no good and does not work. Or he could be saying the molds work but they just are not the best quality. Really this is a question you should be asking the seller as he is the only one who knows the context in which he is using junk molds.
  18. I have not smoked in years but even when I did smoke as a kid they did not make me feel sick like I do a lot of times after pouring.
  19. I don't want to have to deal with filters all the time.
  20. Del I just noticed you have a dragonfly mold as well but there is no pic of it on the site so could you send me a pic.
  21. Dose anyone know of a way to get a cheap fresh air supply system or even maybe make one.
  22. I am using there plastic right now it is not the best but it's not bad, it does smell a bit. As for there baits they are not bad but the bags they came in where JUNK and leak everywhere but I think they have since changed bags. Also they are not to far from me and I asked the guy if there was anyway I could pick my stuff up to save on shipping and he told me no.
  23. I pour outdoors (just about as ventilated as you can get) and use a fan and still this problem has made it to where I barely pour anymore. This stuff can be very bad for you. Here is what is on the label of my Plastisol. Health 1 flammability 1 reactivity o personal protection B Notice: Polyvinyl chlorie resin contains very low levels of vinly chloride determined to be a cancer agent.
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