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Everything posted by 2fishon

  1. 2fishon


    Great paint job .
  2. Man u opened up a can of worms with this post. In some states it is illegal to charge for using a credit card. Paypal might fall under that law. The real bad guy is ebay they charge you to list , charge you to sale, and they own paypal so they charge you to get payed. Ebay will not allow you to tell your buyers that you take checks or money orders. Every credit card company charges you fees. Using paypal is the same as using a credit card
  3. I just dip some Dick nites. Took the silver paint off one bait. Paint ran on two other baits. The Black and red paint ran the most. I use mostly testers acrylic paint. I don't have any problems with 30 min epoxy. I will try drying the baits before dipping. I hope I can get it to work because the finish looks great.
  4. thanks i will let you know how mine work out
  5. Anyone using paint markers or pens to detail lures? If so what kind and how good do they work? Thanks
  6. Hi Rick His house is off Watts Bridge Rd near 5 Cs bar. About a block from the camp ground. I am with you on the Jet Ski's. I am hoping to get down soon to do some fishing. I will pm you and let you know when we will be down. Maybe we can meet up some where and catch a few. Darryl
  7. 2fishon

    simple foil, mask, and dip

    These are way cool. I am going to try this. Did you use powder paint?
  8. My apologies. It was not my intentions to air any dirty laundry though forms post. I do see how it might have looked that way. Thanks to all the members who have helped me in the past 2fishon
  9. I understand what you are saying I don't have a problem waiting a couple months. Why not tell your customer that up front, and save yourself all the stress. Bad customer service is bad customer service. I am not the get in your face type of person, but why not just send an email to say it's taking longer than expected. He sure got back to me with the price quick. I have never ordered form him so thanks for the info. I guess I will wait it out and see what happens.
  10. My experience so far in dealing with Shawn Collins. I paid him for two molds with paypal on FEB 27 /09. Told me they would be shipped on March 15th. I have still not gotten them. He has not returned two of my emails, and when I called the phone number from his website. It Said that his voice mail is full so I can not leave a message about items I ordered. I payed him almost $300.00 for the molds. If I do not hear from him soon my next option will be to contact paypal to see IF I can get my money back. I do not know if any other people have had problems with their orders , but I thought I would let you know about mine so that you can decide for yourself to order from him or not. I will update everyone and let them know if and when my issue get resolved.
  11. Most of the lures I have made in the past have been wood. I given more away to friends than I've used.I just started making some of my own lead jigs. I've been kicking around the idea of starting a website to sell some. I beat the banks for bass many years. A friend introduced me to Jigging a couple of years ago. I've been hooked ever since. I have caught more fish doing this than any other method. Plus it easy on the casting arm. I don't think I've ever caught a small mouth. Never fished from a kayak sound interesting. I have fished for strippers,bass, crappie , cat fish, and anything else that would bite. My friend bought a house on lake Greenwood SC his boats on a lift. So we just drop it in the water and go. I a have to admit it is a lot better than dragging it all over the State to fish. I must be getting old.
  12. 2fishon

    home made Gotcha plugs

    I made these from 1/4" Copper Pipe with 1/4 " Coupler on the end. I filled the coupler with Lead.
  13. I use to fish lake norman To much boat traffic now. I fish a lot in SC at Lake Greenwood. tackle town is 3 miles from me. I have not been in there in years. I thought if we could find enough guys in NC & SC we might get together and make some lures I am sure their is a lot we could learn from each other.
  14. Any Members Living In NC Or SC ? Where and What Town? I live In Denver NC
  15. I use printers lead it is a hard lead so I all so mix in a little soft lead. You can buy the soft lead from bass pro if you have one near you, or you can order it on line. You can check with some local printers for the printers lead. If they have been in business a long time they may still have some laying around. The # 1 thing I would try is smoking the mold. Also I would cut a small line from the mold cavity to the edge of the mold to give it a little ventilation this worked well for me. I use a drimal tool to do this.
  16. 2fishon

    lead jigs

    A few lead jigs I made thanks for all the help guys:yes:
  17. Take all your cash and put it in a deep hole the back yard. The only thing for sure in this world is death and taxes and you can't cheat death.
  18. Fluid bed is easy to make. Member Cadman has a great plan pm him and I am sure he will email you a copy.
  19. 2fishon

    heat gun ?

    What brand heat gun are you guys using to help with the powder paint.? Is one brand that works better than others?
  20. I am not sure which Helped the most smoking the mold or venting, but I did both and problem was solved.
  21. Thanks for everyones help. Make A couple of lures today came out great. here is a picture. As you can see the bottom ones came from a mold I made with the dremil tool.
  22. thanks I will put that on my list of things to try
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