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red ranger

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Everything posted by red ranger

  1. I want to paint the KVD sexy shad on series 5 crank bait. This is the only color I want to paint for now,I dont want to wast money on colors I wont use.If some one could tell me what colors to order from Auto Air. Thanks.
  2. I use a bottom feed air brush for my hollow swimbaits 25% thiner and add the retarder untill the cob webbing stops thats what i do.if you add to much retarder it wont dry fast enough and mess up the scales when you remove the netting
  3. I make worm mold and I want to make a lead mold what shore hardness shoud I use to get the most jigs out of the mold befor the silicone burns up.
  4. where do you buy pearlized pouder for createx i did not see it on there web site. i put blue super hi lite plastic coloring in the devcon it worked good for the top coat,but i want to make my own prarlized. colors
  5. Thanks once again all of you are so helpfull,as I learn more I hope I can help olhers like me
  6. thanks for all of the advice. i got a little better tonight with the cup it still wants to push the paint some ,so i used a toothpick for lines and making firetigger lines worked great. i all so used a 3/16 wood dowl for kill spots. has any one tryed using a sharpie
  7. im inexperienced with createx but i do paint hollow belly swim baits with the paint lure craft with out any problem. no matter what i do the paint is splatering i have a paasche vl0907daul action . i cleaned all parts all parts in good working order. tryed using the paint stright, thin with water not much looked like milk. a wide range of air pressure 50 psi seems to splater the least. paint dosent splater as bad on paper as it dose on a hard bait. painting scales with netting isnt to bad but fine lines suck . i al lso tryed moving my hand at diferent speeds a fast movement no splater but i dont think you can paint detail a the speed i was moving the brush at least i cant . HELPPPPPPPPP me please.
  8. lock tight gel its the best all so if you have a weed gard thats to soft for heavy cover put a little gule up the weed gard about 1/8" this will realy stiffin it up if you want it soft again just break it up . I have done this for years save alot of snaging i use wg30 and always trim out 5 to8 gards from the center
  9. does any one know where to get or make the hub for these skirts I want to make myself there nothing new northland put these typ skirts out about 10 to 15 yr ago i use to gule living rubber to a skirt colar silicone dosent work very good
  10. send $ 21.00 to paypal I will mail them out same day if payment is made before 3.30 PM I'll PM you my email
  11. I have 5 molds left 8.00 ea flat rate shipping 5.00
  12. 8 molds made from premium silicone for 70.00 free shipping inside the US. I will except a check or money order . PM me for details.
  13. DO NOT use iodide salt . IODIDE CAN KILL FISH I use morton salt with out grinding it works just fine even with 1 to 1 ratio in volume for stick baits
  14. Del will sent go up in smoke as well
  15. The pictures of the finished baits are what the blades produce, I custom made the blades. Compare the price to some of the two cavity two piece aluminum molds. Your getting 5 blades. I have paypal. tight lines.
  16. I thought someone posted tungston in bulk last yr
  17. where can i find tungston weights for a good price. bps are 8.49 for two.
  18. Were can I buy tin for pouring jigs.
  19. Im thinking about selling the dipping blades I make here is 3.75 and 3 in. if i sell them they wont have wooden handle.
  20. I agree with you Zbass about rolling the baits for bagging, but I dont like mixing scent with salt. The baits dont absorb the scent as well. Years ago manufactors sold the idea that salted baits catch more fish, it helps a little. I think the real reason they started using lots of salt was to increase the volume of plastic by using more salt and less plastic.Then Yamamoto came up with the only real reason for using salt the SENKO.
  21. I like bait's that float, I use slat in senko's. Unsalted baits wiggle all most by them self,ok you need a little wind or wave action. Heavly salted baits just lay on the bottom doing nothing .
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