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Everything posted by seafoam

  1. seafoam


    Lead Jig
  2. seafoam

    Hand carved wood popper

    First popper
  3. seafoam

    Hand carved wood popper

    First popper
  4. seafoam

    8"Wood Super Spook

    Hand carved 8"Super Spook.Tried to copy it best I could. This one should entice some big girls this spring on the flats....
  5. seafoam

    8"Wood Super Spook

    Hand carved 8"Super Spook.Tried to copy it best I could. This one should entice some big girls this spring on the flats....
  6. seafoam

    a few more double props

    love the paint on this one,great job
  7. Thanks for the info on nuluster55,it seems to have good reviews .Dang just when I thought I was happy with Etex this pops up...now you know I have to try it. I'm not sure if the extra cost is worth it though,claims too have extra uv inhibitors in it,I fish my lures hard ,durability is more important to me ,I have yet to see yellowing with etex anyway.
  8. Keep in mind that humidity and Temp has allot to do with drying time with Etex.
  9. Guys thanks for all the responses so far.Funny you should mention Flex coat,I think its the same product or very similar,smells the same and the bubbles come out the same way as Etex "Breath or Co2" You can find Etex at any craft stores,seems most have around where I live.
  10. Was wondering if its possible to paint directly over the clear coat?was thinking of applying scales over clear to give it a 3d look,of course it would give the bait slightly more weight having two coats of clear. Can this be done or has anyone done this?Thanks for your input.
  11. Thanks for the advice.
  12. Noticed allot of guys seem to be swaying too Devcon instead of E-tex,I have used nothing but Etex so far and always have good results with it.Any reasons why I should switch to Devcon ?is it more durable,or something else I'm missing out on? I have large metered syringes that I put A and B in so I always get a even mix,just a little trick Ive learned and works well. Thanks for any feed back.
  13. Looks great,nice clean even lines .Those bass are going to kill it!
  14. The eyes on that bait are great looking,and the scales are marvelous.
  15. seafoam

    Just bring me down

    Cool,do you acually fish with these...?
  16. seafoam


    Very nice work..thanks
  17. seafoam


    Tsunami popper and Heddon spook repaint.
  18. seafoam


    Tsunami popper and Heddon spook repaint.
  19. seafoam


    Tsunami popper and Heddon spook repaint.
  20. seafoam

    Swim Bait paint

    Not sure of the name of this one,was given to me by "Kellure" unpainted.Thank's again!
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