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basscatlildave last won the day on January 6 2024

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About basscatlildave

  • Birthday 10/02/1965

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    Family and fishing

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  1. I use a 5/64 drill bit because thats what I had.
  2. I use the .024 but have used the .018. There ain't a lot of them but they work fine for me. I thought I would like that little jig but I really prefer the 1/4 ounce for a small jig.
  3. I make it myself. Been doing it a while and still tweaking it.
  4. I do a Blue Plum and it's killer down here.
  5. I'm sure you,ve been bombarded but I too would like to know what ya have.
  6. I always cut it up and melt in short bursts. You can mix a lot of small pieces together and come up with some wild colors.
  7. I know they are one of his sponsors but he has a good video on it.
  8. I pretty much use soft for action. I do add hardner when I want a little stiffer bait.
  9. Awesome I need to look but I don't think mine is this long.
  10. To me salt is a pain to work with. I use soft plastic and weighted wacky heads.
  11. I bought several lots from folks on here and Bass Boat Central and they double taped the lids and sent them USPS
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