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Milia B

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About Milia B

  • Birthday 07/04/1972

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  1. Pete, hi... Drop me a line when you get a chance...you know the addy..

  2. Happy B-day Milia.Have a great day.

  3. Happy birthday Milia.

  4. Milia B


    Pete, you know who my #1 is....
  5. Milia B


    Thanks V-baby, I looked at the posts trying to see if he had been active but must have missed it. I was worried he'd been washed downstream. Thanks again, and like I've always said, your the best! Milia
  6. Milia B


    Just wondering if anyones heard from Hazmail/ Pete from Austrailia...with all the flooding over there I was hoping he's OK
  7. If that doesn't catch a Peacock Bass nothing will!
  8. Milia B

    another rat

    The floating worm for the tail is genius ....great job!
  9. Milia B

    another rat

    The floating worm for the tail is genius ....great job!
  10. Milia B


    About 9 months ago I "lost" a bag with about 25 hand carved crank bait and top water lures I had carved by hand... Yesterday while searching for Weinachten (Christams) decorations I found them in a box that had made it's way out to one of my out buildings.... Hoo-Ray!,,, Now I can finally get to work on finishing "my babies"
  11. Dave, love ya. But I wouldn't live in any city whose name contains the word DUNG ! lol
  12. For some reason I envisioned you living on the beach in a grass hut and sleeping in a hammock .
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