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Milia B

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Everything posted by Milia B

  1. Very nice lure, all your stuff is pretty nice Fat F.
  2. Best looking lure I've ever seen for 59 cents!
  3. Thanks for the test video and for the following construction explanations.It was very informative. I couldn't help but think to myself while watching the test video, wouldn't it be too cool to have a 30 pound pike explode out of the water and snatch one of those lures right then! LOL !
  4. Bob, I'm nominating you for best info of the winter season "the point is not to finish as soon as possible, but to finish it as best as possible" Absolutly genius Bob !
  5. RS58, I've only been at this hobby for a year, so most of my painting is still pretty " Crappy" ha ha !
  6. WOW ! I just went to the web site with the link provided and all i can say is WOW! Absolutly beautiful work. I cant imagine ever being able to do something like that.
  7. Diemai, Way to go, those look real nice!...seems like you were doing a lil better than just whittling your time away while waiting for some paint to dry.
  8. I would like to reiterate Net Mans sentiments, and wish all my friends at T.U. a healthy and prosperous New Years ...Happy 2K10 everyone !
  9. I think this crankbait color recipe book is a great idea . It'll let members share what they know works and help the newbies with some color schemes they might take years to work out on their own . I think there ought to be a whole new catergory in the fourms for this topic ( Mr. Jerry if you please )
  10. Exactly what I was hoping to hear Gene.
  11. Pete, What's a Austrailian night crawler look like? After watching nature shows on the television about Austrailia I imagine your average night crawler from down under is roughly six feet long, weighs upwards of 120 pounds and has fangs like a tiger. They lay in wait to devour unsuspecting Dingo's and a occasional stray Walabee LOL. God bless you guys, I don't know how you survive down there, no not God bless, it should be more like God help you guys! Pete, you know how they have the north and south island of New Zealand, any truth in the rumor that they are re-naming Austrailia, The " big island of New Zealand ?? "
  12. Milia B

    Bjerks tail

  13. The best time to use this "ultimate worm recipe" is on a warm misty evening after a hard rain, when the ground is soaked. If there isn't sufficent moonlight, you may need a flashlight. Walk around softly as to not scare off "the ultimate worm" and use your light sparingly. Most of these "ultimate worms" will be easily found right on top of the soil in your own backyard or garden. You will need a large tin can partially filled with soft loamy soil to store your collection of "ultimate worms" This recipe has been tested by me and these worms are 100% guarenteed to catch fish. I emplore everyone here at TU to try this recipe one time during the up comming fishing season. Take a step back to your roots, to your childhood days. Go dig some nightcrawlers, get a float / bobber. Leave the fancy lures and tackle at home. Try to remember what first made you love fishing. Luv ya all Milia
  14. Pete, Does this fishing ban include that lovely little town we visited, Porpoise Spit ? It is just incredibly wrong that the polititians can decide to do something like this with no regard as to what the general public wants. I believe they all need to be shown the door!
  15. Hi everyone, Thought I'd class up the T.U. Fourms with a little fishing poem. Before I begin I want to thank the Admin. for induldging me. Besides love, men need fishing And for both, most are wishing Catching trophies chosen best To be envied by the rest Fishing is a game of sport Loved by all both tall and short We must fool the fish's eye If we plan to bake or fry Some use boats while others wade As they fish in sun or shade Ice cold drinks help pass the day While lifes troubles fade away Most men feel they're everything With rod, reel, hook, and string Be it river, pond, or lake We all hope our line won't break This isn't mine, it was written by Ms. Sarah Palin Luv ya all! Milia
  16. My feelings exactly, I can't seem to find time to paint any of my lures ( any volenteers? ) but it seems I can allways find time to carve.
  17. Milia B

    A pike for a pike

    If your making lures like this for your friends....can I be your friend ???
  18. Milia B

    A pike for a pike

    it's a piece of artwork !
  19. Milia B


    very, very nice!
  20. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends at TU or as we like to say "Vesele` va`noce a st`astny novy` roc!"
  21. Nothing left to do but...smile...smile...smile ;-)

  22. Nothing left to do but...smile...smile...smile ;-)

  23. Nothing left to do but...smile...smile...smile ;-)

  24. Nothing left to do but...smile...smile...smile ;-)

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